How big is your passion quotient ?

Pani Kumar
Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2021
Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

Have you noticed ? — time just passes & you feel energetic when you are talking to someone? and sometimes mere 10 minute of talk with someone creates fatigue and you feel exhausted ?

Have you felt WOW when you see a piece of work & sometimes you get very DRY feeling ?

Have you noticed that constant reminders needs to be given & sometimes things just happen !

The key difference here is “Passion”. There are tons of words — Focus, involvement, motivation, energy, efficiency, effectiveness, time-management etc… However, these are natural consequences of having passion.

“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”

— Albert Einstein

Stage 1 : Casual

People in this stage are not sure if they like to do what they are doing. They are there, but not whole-heartedly.

How does one end up here ?

Social pressure, Family pressure, Attractive package, or sometimes lack of guidance. Isn’t it better to have a job, than having none ?

How do you figure-out if you are at this stage ?

If you are experiencing compulsiveness when new piece of work comes to you. Or you are unable to do well and finding hindrances to complete it. Crib just about anything and everything. Not appreciative of the feedback received. Seeing everything as task to be completed. The urge from within is not natural but driven by deadlines. Need a manager to take care of you.

If you are at this stage what you should do ?

You have to become serious from being casual. Find out what interests you. Talk to your friends & peers. Identify and speak to folks at stage 3 or 2. Introspect to see what do you enjoy doing. Once you get answers you would move to Stage 2 or 3 naturally

Stage 2 : Need gentle & constant push

<Photo by Damir Kopezhanov on Unsplash>

People in this stage have found direction, but often need some push. They have necessary skills, but need motivation & support structure to succeed.

How do you figure-out if you are at this stage ?

Going silo at times. Happy with what you have been doing, but not opening up for further greater initiatives (sticking to comfort-zone). Reluctant to bring change. Craftsmanship, Energy & Enthu are great at the beginning but goes down over a period of time. Not seeking for feedback. Appreciations and recognitions — gets you back on track. Not finding time to go that extra mile.

What is needed to level up ?

Being honest with oneself and accepting the truth. Finding inspiration, purpose & meaning to your work. Talk to some folks in work place whom you look upto. Seek feedback and be open for changes. Be ready to Unlearn and relearn. Be available & participate with greater involvement. Stop seeing work as bunch of tasks to complete, but think of impact and differences you can bring.

Stage 3 : Self-Starters

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

People at this stage make everyday count. The urge to do something is natural. One experiences joy in conversation with them. These are the people who think solutions, curious to solve & find the way out. They don’t hesitate to make mistakes and then learn from them.

A ten minute conversation would generate joy — you feel aligned and pleased. Ideas are exchanged, new perspectives are discovered & excitement/curiosity grows. This fuels you. Working with such like minded people — your learning & growing never stops

The role of leadership

A leader must generate next set of leaders.

In any org you will find people at different stages. Leadership should constantly work towards levelling up.

1) Shared vision

The first thing leadership should work on is having a “Shared Vision”. The vision & beliefs that leadership has — needs to be shared/sold to everyone to bring greater alignment. The vision needs to be re-iterated time and again — till it dissolves in everyone. This helps to bring purpose & meaning to one’s work.

2) Conducive environment

Creating conducive environment is necessary — to bring the best out. Mutual trust and transparency forms the foundation of the environment. One should feel empowered to take their own path and decisions. Leadership should invest in resources, encourage & accommodate new ideas and experiments. The environment must have flexibility to absorb setbacks and apply the learnings swiftly.

3) Opportunities

Providing right opportunities is important to feed the hunger. New challenges are means for new discoveries and learning.

4) Direction & Inspiration

Show the big picture & lead by example. The only way to create more leaders is by inspiring them. Attitude & behaviour can’t be taught but can be influenced.

