How Ekam brings down Test Automation Time By 70%

Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2021

With digitalisation booming like never before, there is an increased urge to release software faster and more frequent

It is a challenge for engineering teams to release software faster, without compromising on quality. A safety net of tests is a must-have and generates confidence in engineering teams.

Building a safety net of tests is a long and complex process. It may take 3 to 6 months of focussed efforts to build a sophisticated framework. On top of it, getting skilled coders in the test automation space is another challenge.

Being a Low-code and unified test automation framework, Ekam helps you to bridge the above gaps and create safety-net in no time.

So How does Ekam bring down test automation time?

Starting from day 1

When you create a new Ekam project, it has all that you need to automate Web, Mobile, REST API tests out of the box. You could add your first test in minutes. Creating a new Ekam project is as simple as creating a new Java project.

Low-Code Approach

You do not have to write code for

  • Driver creation and Management.
  • Creation of pages and Page Factories
  • Cross-browser testing
  • Responsive web testing
  • Allure reporting
  • Logging
  • Test execution in the cloud
  • Parallel test execution

and many more…

Most common/needed Features out of the box

Ekam offers rich features out of the box so that you stay focused on automating your business scenarios.

  • Execute tests against multiple environments
  • Test Data Management
  • Author single test which works on both Android and iOS
  • Execute tests against device clouds with a config change
  • Setup Local device lab
  • Test Patterns
  • Localisation Testing
  • Reporting & Dashboard


IntelliJ IDEA plugin offers plenty of code generation options, to generate code swiftly. The plugin offers:

  • Project templates
  • File templates
  • Live templates
  • POJO and retrofit service method generations

and many more to save test authoring time

Stay focused on functionality & allow Ekam to do heavy lifting for you

