Optimus Cloud— Running mobile automation tests is now easier than ever

Krishnanand B
Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2019


The key challenge of Mobile Automation is Device Management. Few tough questions any mobile automation solutions look for are

  • How do I allocate devices automatically
  • How do I get max throughput from my devices without bloating them out?
  • How do I accommodate multiple teams to utilize devices without blocking others
  • Is it possible to have an in-house setup like SauceLabs, BrowserStack, AWS Device Farm, with minimal investment?
  • Different teams use different languages, can they all work with the same infra platform?
  • Can it be included in CI/CD

As companies move to Mobile First approach, mobile automation is the first choice of a test automation strategy. Much of mobile automation solutions fail to keep pace with the development and in giving swift feedback, due to lack of proper mobile automation infra solutions.

Optimus Cloud an open source mobile automation Infra platform was built to solve most of the key challenges of running mobile suites. Optimus Cloud is heavily inspired by Facebook’s One World


Optimus Cloud is a cluster for services that act as a bridge between Client(Your Tests) and Worker(Device Lab) and has below responsibilities

  • Allocate sessions/devices to tests
  • Manage Build and Device lifecycle
  • Queue builds and eventually allocate sessions (For a Multi-Team Setup)

Currently, it is mandatory to have both worker and client within the same Intranet, while the cloud can be hosted in either Aws/Gcp or a mac mini.

Clients can be written in any language, but for now, we have initial support for Java and the following languages are in progress

  • Javascript
  • Ruby
  • Python

Optimus Cloud Supports below test frameworks

  • Cucumber
  • TestNG
  • JUnit
  • Optimus

Optimus Cloud seamlessly integrates with below cloud provider

Read more about the advantages of having an in-house device lab.

P.S: If you are as excited as we are to give Optimus cloud(beta) a try write to us at optimus@testvagrant.com or signup on our slack here

If these are the kind of challenges that excite you and you wish to solve, do check out our latest openings.

