Performance Appraisal — a slightly different approach

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2 min readJul 28, 2020

Typically a performance appraisal should address the below:

a.) it should help provide feedback to individuals on how they have performed in current role/project

b.) it should form a baseline to improvise the existing performance and also form the basis of new project work allotment so as to better utilise the acquired and enhanced skills

c.) it should form the basis of revision of compensation as well.

More or less all the performance measurement model essentially addresses these three points, some in a comprehensive manner and some in a crisp manner.

What are we trying to do different?

A little context of who we are and what we do. We are a tech consulting company focussing on the software testing part of the SDLC. We work with different software companies (B2B & B2C both) to help optimise their testing process or solve a testing problem or work as their testing partner owning the deliverables from the QA stand point. It’s been almost 6 years that we are running this model and kind of perfected for us what could be the expectations from the different role at different levels of seniority.

As we are rapidly growing, we thought we need a system of appraisal where we could make it a self-sustained process, less of performance validation from others and focus more on self reliance and self enhancement.

3 Stage process which is driven by individual

Having said that, folks on ground are free to reach out to any one for career guidance and seeking input. We want to build a system of learning and sharing where you shouldn’t feel judged. It is about giving all employees more autonomy where they create their own path, learning, and growth (so that they can learn by experimentation and feel there is some safety net from leadership). It’s also about giving them a purpose the desire to do something big and impactful. People should be encouraged to learn new skills and perfect the existing skills.

I believe that knowledge workers (and seekers) are no more aligned to carrot-and-stick approach, it’s more for a traditional enterprise set up than a startup. Startups attract lot of folks because they get the freedom to learn and experiment. If some body is playing too safe then they may not be a fit.

Happy Reading!




Entrepreneur | Blogger | Author | Co-founder TestVagrant Technologies |Computer Engineer | IIM Bangalore Alumnus |