Selenium + Github + Jenkins

Pradeep K
Published in
2 min readFeb 20, 2020

This is all about how to execute the Selenium scripts through Jenkins and Github

If we are doing Maven project then we have to add the dependancy with respect to the project , the dependencies are added to pom.xml . The common dependencies are
  1. This is for the supporting of selenium . Group id and version is mentioned here






2. TestNG dependency

<! —







3. Chrome driver dependency

<! —






4. Github dependency






5.Logger dependency

<! —






The below image shows the installation process of Jenkins

After the installation of Jenkins the next is to configure that . In Jenkins there is an icon for manage Jenkins , from there we have to go for configure systems , configure credentials and manage plugins .The below figure shows the configuration of Jenkins .

We need to give the commands for run the Jenkins in Configure icon .

After that the whole commands are apply and save then click on build and then we will get the console output and hence we know whether the test is fail or pass .



Pradeep K
Editor for

Founder and Chief Testing Officer at Testvox