Why experts are answering on Tesz?

Published in
5 min readFeb 24, 2022

Tesz (https://www.tesz.in/ )is a place where citizens get their government-related queries answered.

A community of experts, businesses, departments, and citizens answer query through Tesz. You can see the list of top contributors here.

Here, we will try to answer some of the major queries asked by experts while onboarding Tesz.

Are there any monetary benefits for me if I answer on Tesz?

5% of experts on Tesz makes around USD 1000 per month on Tesz.

Around10% of experts on Tesz make a business of around USD 100 per month on Tesz.

If an expert answers a specific number of queries on Tesz, they get a WhatsApp extension on their answers.

Whenever someone clicks on this WhatsApp button, the user would be able to chat with the experts.

Providing quality answers builds trust.

Trust leads to business for the experts as users reach out to trusted experts by clicking on the WhatsApp button.

I have a Youtube channel. Should I still answer Tesz?

There are multiple ways in which you can grow a youtube channel through Tesz.

Method 1: Share your videos on Tesz

Method 2: Take queries on Tesz rather than the Youtube comment section

We will discuss this method in detail below.

Method 1: Share your videos on Tesz

Assume that you do a video on the Ownership transfer of vehicles.

For example, if someone searches for something like “I am planning to sell my vehicle to my friend. What all should I take into consideration”. Users might also search the same in their regional language as well.

Your Youtube video on Ownership Transfer of Vehicle might not rank for it.

If you are on Tesz you can plug the same video as an answer to your question and increase the view count to your video.

An example of the same is provided below.

It is not necessary that the user will ask the query in the same way as you keep it in your video.

At Tesz, there are 100s of varieties of the same question where you can plug your video. This will bring additional traffic to your Youtube channel.

In addition to it, once a video is published on youtube, you can create multiple types of questions and add the same video as the answer to it.

Method 2: Take queries on Tesz rather than the Youtube comment section

You might be spending your valuable time answering queries in the comment section of your Youtube video.

The problem with this approach is that if someone else has similar queries and they search on Google, your answer would not be visible. This is because Google doesn't show youtube comments on Google search results. So, your valuable knowledge is not shown to the right person.

Assume that you take queries through Tesz, all the answers you provided will be available on Google when someone searches for it.

This will bring additional traffic to your youtube videos as well.

I have a blog. Should I still answer on Tesz?

99% of the users who have a compliance query search in search engines like Google, Bing etc. It rarely happens, when a user thinks about your blog and comes directly to the blog.

So, the only way to get users to your blog is to come top in Google search results.

Google made 3000+ changes to their algorithm last year. So, you have to invest hugely in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to come top on Google search results. As a blog is not your full-time work, it is impossible to do justice to SEO.

At Tesz, we take care of the SEO aspects. So, the answers you provided will come definitely on top of Google search results. This is evident from millions of users who visit our site on a monthly basis. 92% of the traffic comes from Google.

In addition to that, you can also keep relevant links to your blog which brings more traffic to your blog as well.

How can I become a thought leader through Tesz?

To become a thought leader in any specific area, you need to answer questions in detail. Once you answer queries in detail, you will establish credibility within the community as a thought leader in that specific area. You should also maintain consistency in answering queries.

Tesz provides you with queries from high intent users who are looking to get their specific issue resolved. Most of our users come from Google. So, they ask questions on Tesz, only when they didn’t get their queries answered from other available sources. Most of the time, these queries will be unique. Answering unique queries also helps you to stand out from the crowd.

How long an answer should I write on Tesz?

If your primary motive is to get business from users, it is important that you display your knowledge of how you have solved an issue earlier for other clients. You should include the necessary images if required. This helps the user to understand that you are a subject matter expert in this field. This also builds trust. Trust leads to business.

If you intend to drive traffic to your blog/website, we request you to answer the query fully here. You can take traffic to your website by mentioning different aspects of the same answer. If the sole purpose of the answer is to deviate the user to your blog/website, then the answer will be marked as spam.

Wrapping Up

At Tesz, we want to get citizens' queries answered by credible experts in a timely manner. At the same time, we want to make sharing knowledge more financially sustainable for our experts. In this regard, we will be coming up with many innovations such as allowing experts to receive direct payment from the users for their answers, allowing experts to sell their compliance services, etc. This is just the beginning of Day 1 at Tesz.



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Tesz (www.tesz.in) is a platform to get all your government related queries answered.