Why Government Departments use Tesz to answer citizen’s queries?

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4 min readFeb 24, 2022

Tesz (https://www.tesz.in/ )is a place where Indians get their government-related queries answered.

A community of experts, businesses, departments, and citizens answer query through Tesz. You can see the list of top contributors here.

Here, we will try to answer some of the major queries asked by Government Departments while onboarding them to Tesz.

Our department already uses FB/Twitter/Email to answer citizens’ queries. Why should I use Tesz?

Answering queries online on FB/Twitter/Email is similar to filling a leaky bucket. It is the least efficient method to answer citizens’ queries.

If a citizen asks a query to a department on FB through messenger, then only the department and the citizen can see the answer to the query.

100s of others who also have the same query might ask the same query through messenger.

The valuable time of the helpdesk is lost in answering the same query again.

If you ask query as a comment to a department’s post, only people who go through the comment section of that post can see the answer to the query.

In short, most platforms like Twitter, FB, Email, etc. are one-to-one.

The answer provided by the department will be seen only by the question asker. So these platforms are inherently inefficient platforms in terms of answering queries.

However, this is a minor issue compared to the major issue. The major issue is that these answers are not indexed by Google. It means that your answer will not be visible if someone else searches for the same query on Google.

99% of government-related queries are searched on Google.

So, if you answer the query as a reply to a tweet or as an email, then no one would be able to see it if they search for it in Google. So the valuable effort of the helpdesk is wasted.

If a department answer queries on Tesz, the answer is immediately indexed to Google. So, if someone searches for it in Google, this answer comes up. Also, the same answer can be viewed by millions of people making it infinitely scalable.

You can read a case study on how we have helped a Government Department to reach 1 lakh citizens at zero cost.

How Sakala Mission reach 1 lakh citizens through Tesz at zero cost?

Our department uses Chatbot to answer citizens' queries. Why should I use Tesz?

It is important to understand the user journey of a citizen when they have an issue.

Assume that a user has a query related to IRCTC regarding “CKWL, RAC, PQWL, GNWL, RLWL, CNF” etc. He might type these terms on Google.

If IRCTC doesn't have indexable content on these terms, it won't come up in Google search results. So, the User will click on any other website which has this content.

The point to be noted is that for a railway-related query, people are not even coming to IRCTC's official website.

For a chatbot to do its work, people should first come to the official website.

Assume that the chatbot of IRCTC has content on TKWL. Then also Google won't show the result because Google will not index the content of Chatbot.

So, irrespective of whether the chatbot has content or not, citizens will not come to the IRCTC website when they have a general query like this.

The major problem with the chatbot is that it gives templated responses to the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

But for FAQs, if a user searches in Google, they will get the answer. They don't need to come to the IRCTC website to get it answered.

So, this is the case with India’s most visited and best Government website.

The point to be noted here is that purpose of the IRCTC website is not to act as a content delivery platform but to be a ticket booking platform. And IRCTC does a good job of booking tickets.

Similarly, most government websites have a purpose. And they are doing a good job in that.

But to rank on users' search queries requires a different set of skills and Tesz brings that to the table. So, it is important that the government department onboard Tesz irrespective of having a chatbot or not.

Why should my department use Tesz even if they have a detailed FAQ section?

Assume that you want to know some details about insurance and you are taken to a page with 100s of questions and answers. You will get overwhelmed with the results because you are there not to do research but you want to get a specific answer to a specific query.

Most of the time, people ask personalized queries. It is difficult for the FAQ page to rank for it. Also, the FAQ page contains technical terms whereas users ask the query in their informal language.

For example, the FAQ page of RTO might include questions related to the “hypothecation cancellation process”, whereas people searches for “process to cancel vehicle loan”. They might also search for the same in their regional language as well. This makes it difficult for the FAQ page to rank on Google.

So, it is important that you add the same answer to this query as well. There are multiple variations based on the same query

Wrapping Up

Google made 3000+ changes to their search algorithm last year. We invest hugely in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to come top on Google search results. So, it is the best and most efficient method for Government Department to reach out to citizens when they need information about your department.



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Tesz (www.tesz.in) is a platform to get all your government related queries answered.