
Cece Chase
Tetrad Illuminations
14 min readJun 17, 2020

By: CeCe Chase

Easily Accessible Hologram


Holography Diagram

There are three main components to holograms: the laser, the display, and the optics.

The hologram is a technology that is formed by “a confusing scheme of bright and dark points where all of the object’s optical information is enfolded, with the fundamental particular feature that each part of the hologram contains in turn all the information captured in the full hologram”, then when the “plate is lit with laser light, the holographic image appears” (History of Holography). That, then, reproduces the object in three-dimensional form.

Dennis Gabor, invented the hologram when trying to improve the electronic microscope in 1947, however it had an explosive expansion in 1964–1973. Gabor named the invention, “hologram”, from the Greek word “holos” which means “the whole” because it holds all the information of the object wave. Holography includes a two-step process. The physical principles of holography are based on different things for each stage. In the recording stage, it’s based on the wavelike nature of light and interference. In the reconstruction stage, it is based on diffraction.

There is a difference between regular photography and holography, in “ordinary photography, one records only the amplitude of the light wave”, however, in “holography, one preserves both the amplitude and phase of the light” (John F. Ready). In short, holograms preserve more information carried from the light than photos.

How Does A Hologram Work?


The current COVID-19 crisis and the economic recession has affected the global holography industry. In the specific study this information is in reference to, the analysis period is from 2016 to 2024. The Holography for Industrial Applications market, around the world, will grow by a projected amount of 6.7 billion US dollars. This amount is driven by a revised compounded annual growth rate of 5.1%.

In another study, they sow that the compounded annual growth rate will be 13% for 2020–2024 and there will be an incremental growth of 4.48 billion US dollars. This study also shows that 36% of the growth in this market will come from North America.

Chart For Hologram Market Growth

A third study shows that from 2019 to 2024, there will be a compounded annual growth rate of 19.8%. Meaning, by 2024, it is projected to reach 5.4 billion US dollars. The reason for this increase, especially in North America, is said to be because of the increasing desire to use holography in the science and biomedical research and testing centers. There is also a rising demand for this new technology, the digital holography, in medical and commercial applications. However, there are also inhibiting factors to the adoption of this technology. For example, the cost of the holographic systems and the complex computational challenges in the “acquisition and reconstruction of holograms” (Digital Holography Market).

Chart of Holography Growth
Growth By Region

It is clear, from the statistical data given as well as the other factors previously mentioned, this new technology, the hologram, will be widely accepted, especially in developed countries. It is also seen in the data, that North America will take the lead in the adopting of this new technology.


  1. What does the artifact enlarge or enhance?
  2. What does it erode or obsolesce?
  3. What does it retrieve that had been earlier obsolesced?
  4. What does it reverse or flip into when pushed to the limits of its potential?

This artifact, the hologram, enhances photography. Photography is two dimensional and, as described above, does not take in all the information that the light holds. Holography, on the other hand, is three dimensional and takes in all the information the light holds.

Photography Diagram

However, holography could completely change how humans are entertained as well as how they see things. There are many different forms of holography and one form, for example, may make television obsolete. That form being holographic glasses. Although they don’t seem high on the priority list of forms of holography to first present to the public, they are definitely something that could become the new way we entertain ourselves. We may, even, begin to use them as a substitute for cellphones at some point.

Holograms Used For Communication

We also must realize that this new technology may also make aspects of life, that are not technology, become obsolete as well. For example, if holography is introduced into our daily lives, meaning we begin to use them like we use our cellphones, face-to-face communication may also be eroded. As holography continues develop, things like books, articles, journals, etc. will begin to only be published online, letting hologram users read them on a hologram. It’s important for us to look at how this may affect the aspects of life outside of technology.

However, we must not overlook the fact that holography also gives us the chance to bring back face-to-face communication because we will be able to see the three dimensional person right in front of us as we speak to them, if we choose to do so. Although this is slightly different than face-to-face communication, it still brings back something that we lost ever since cellphones became a normality in our lives which is looking at another person when you’re speaking to them. Holography may also make it difficult to have more than one conversation at a time, therefore, if this is true, we will regain the genuineness attached to conversation as well as re-instilling the emotion of genuine care towards the other person and what they are saying.

The Social Presence Theory is described as the feeling that another person is part of an interaction which is based off of cues that show attention and the attention then makes the communication more personal. With holograms, each person is able to feel the other’s presence better because of the ability to see the cues through the three dimensional image. This could change the way people interact within their relationships with other people because it can help them feel closer to and more connected to one another. Not only that, but it can also influence people’s interpersonal wellbeing, helping them thrive and find justice-infused peace within their relationships with others.

The Social Context Cues Theory suggests that, without social cues like the nonverbal cues people receive from each other to help them observe and understand social norms, people may act in a different, less socially acceptable way. Holograms give people the chance to see the social context cues so that communication is more honest, real, and socially acceptable because they will be able to see facial expressions and tone of voice. This could completely change the dynamic for online conflicts, creating a more peaceful environment.

The Media Richness Theory is described as the media can be represented by “richness” which then influences the selection and adoption of media. Holography is a rich technology because it has the ability to give immediate feedback and the ability to have face-to-face conversation, even though it is not in person. Although it is not as rich as face-to-face is, it is richer than videoconferencing, like Skype, because it is three dimensional, and has a more realistic feel. In the diagram below, holography would be between video and face-to-face. Because of the richness of holography, as a technology, it will likely be selected and adopted as the choice of media by the public changing the way we communicate and see the world through technology.

Media Richness: Low to High

The hologram, when pushed to it’s limit, may begin to create a new problem, for example, holography displaying the image incorrectly or humans relying too heavily on them and forgetting to truly look at their world and view reality’s beauty.


Holography is going to affect almost every aspect of our lives, however it is going to largely affect business and the medical field. Holography is widely desired by the business field, mostly for marketing purposes, and the field of medicine for training purposes and viewing data.

Technology is a very big part of this generation’s lives. They grew up with technology rapidly changing and growing. It is important to realize these factors when thinking about a new technology, like holography, and how it may affect a young person’s life. So although it is important to recognize how holography is going to affect the business and medical fields, it’s also important to realize the fact that technology is a huge part of almost every aspect of our lives. Young people are going to use technology, however, for those young people who still live under their parent’s guidance, it can be hard for the parent to know what impact the technology is having on their child’s life. There are many positive effects that technology can have on a child’s life, including connecting them to information and to friends and family.

The societal effects that holograms may have are numerous, ranging from parenting to medicine. In this article, however, the way it affects the business field and the medical field are going to be highlighted.

With the ability to use holograms, when a business advertises, they’ll be able to show their product in the same form as if the audience were seeing it in person. This will give users a better, more realistic-feeling view of what they are spending their money on, as well as giving the company the ability to make the product pop and stand out. The new three dimensional holographic visuals for advertising will have the potential for numerous things including informing the public, entertainment, promoting, and transforming in a fast and easy way.

“‘Hologram for retail’ solutions can be used to create 3D content which highlights product offers, the latest trends, and more, allowing customers to make more informed choices when shopping.” (tweet found by Maria-Isabella Neverovich, How Will Hologram Technology Change Business in 2019?)

Holograms would make data much more accessible and well-rounded in the medical field, as well as giving doctors a chance to genuinely “look” at the three dimensional images like the “incredibly complex organs and systems of the body, like the brain, heart, liver, lungs, nerves, and muscles” (What Can We Expect from Hologram Technology in the Future?). Some doctors and researchers even believe that holograms could one day replace cadavers, testing, and surgical demonstrations. There is a reason holography is so desired by the medical field, and that reason is that it could change the way doctors see the body and could help them come to solutions faster, as well as giving hands-on, or seemingly hands-on, experience before the trainees step into their internship role.

Hologram Of A Brain

Many movies have holograms in their films, showing them as a futuristic technology that is helpful to human beings. For example, in the famous movie series, Star Wars, the holograms are used to display secret messages or to show real-time visual communication. However, the movie shows holograms to be useful in many ways as well, helping them see their battle plans or maps. In other movies, such as Iron Man, this usefulness is also seen. Tony Stark uses the hologram to look at plans, closely look at objects and in a three dimensional way, and as a way to look at something from a different perspective. A lot of movies based on the future, like the Disney movie Meet the Robinsons, Back to the Future Part II, or the dystopian film The Giver, also use holograms as a tool or visual.

Star Wars Hologram
Iron Man Movie Hologram


As a Christian, it is important to me to look at these things through the perspective of “how will this technology affect my relationship with God?”. When considering what technology to select, it is important to recognize how it will affect your life, considering what the adoption of that technology may do to your spiritual life and your wellbeing. Ken Funk, in his article “Thinking Critically and Christianly About Technology, provides three basic principles suggested by John Calvin to base people’s use of technology off of.

The first one states that “technology ought to facilitate and not hinder our communion with God and the fulfillment of our moral obligations to him” (Funk, p. 3), which means that the time people spend on technology should not create a barrier for communication to God, as well as walking out the purpose that God destined us for, but it should help us further fulfill our obligations to him and our communication with him. The second, then states, that it should “facilitate and not hinder the preservation of human life and improvement of human welfare and the fulfillment of our moral obligations to people” (Funk, p.3), meaning that technology should aid the human race in thriving and growing as a creation of God, as well as bettering humanity and each other. The last one, which focuses more on nature and other creations, states that technology should “facilitate and not hinder the preservation of the natural world and its order and integrity and the fulfillment of our moral obligations to God’s lower creation” (Funk, p.3). This last principle talks about how people’s use of technology should provide us opportunities to further lead the rest of God’s creations including the land, the sea, the trees, the animals, etc.

If a person is able to base their technology use off of these three principles, they will likely succeed in balancing out the earthly pleasure of technology and the heavenly pleasure of living by faith. With holography, following these three basic principles would be doable, however it would also be easy to ignore. As explained above, in the section titled “Impact & Effects”, I discussed how holography could be beneficial for the medical field, giving doctors and researchers easier teaching opportunities as well as giving them a tool to find the source of the problems much easier. This use of holography follows the first principle because if they are called to work in the medical field, they are able to better fulfill their calling. It also follows the second principle because it provides a way to help humans who are in need of medical attention. It helps them by giving doctors the ability to quickly find the source of the issue and then give their patient the care they need. Lastly, it does fulfill the third principle, as well, by giving those who work in a position that serves animals, for the same reason it will fulfill the second principle.

Hologram of Patient

Holography is not going to be solely used for medical purposes, however, therefore it is crucial that the general public ask themselves if they are able to follow these three principles. Even if the person is not spiritual, it is important to recognize that these basic principles are not just based on spirituality, but also on creating a peaceful environment for all of creation to coexist. Following these principles will help people grow, help others, and help the rest of creation with their technology use, instead of hindering or creating a barrier for those purposes.

Holography Diagram and Charts

Another important factor to consider, when adopting a new technology, is that of addiction. Many people find themselves addicted to their technology. It is something that a lot of those who are addicted, may not actually realize until faced with a situation in which it is revealed to them. However, many people are also aware of this addiction. So, when selecting which technology to adopt, it is important to consider if the person is able to control their use of the product, so that addiction does not occur. The problem is, with holography, this may be slightly challenging. Because holography is supposed to change how people communicate, use the internet, and see the world through a screen, it is going to become an all-consuming product that will be hard to step away from, since it is supposed to be able to perform many tasks for humans. I recommend that if someone were to choose to adopt holography as a product, that they try to keep their reliance on it to a minimum so that these negative effects do not happen.

For this product, I recommend that people truly weigh the positives and negatives of the device and consider how it will benefit their way of life, their wellbeing, the way they treat others, and the way they interact with the rest of creation. Holography can be a very beneficial, exciting, and helpful tool, but it can also create a reliance on technology that is intense and unhealthy because of the exciting, helpful factors. Considering both these facts is a good way to lay the foundation for a pros and cons list for this product, seeing how it helps the specific person in their life.

Holographic Market Chart


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Cece Chase
Tetrad Illuminations

Hello! I am a student at Bethel University and I am majoring in Business Finance and minoring in Psychology. I love to write so I hope you enjoy!