Do they wonder about us?

Billie Wells
Texas A&M Freelance Writers Association


If Zeus looked down on us now, would he sneer at us? Admire how it seems most humans had become like him after all. Does Poseidon gaze at us through the sea, watching the scientists pull hope from the plastics thrown in his ocean? When Hades looks up at us, is he content that people are finally telling his story correctly, that he no longer is hated.

What about the lesser Gods?

Does Demeter look at us feeding 9 billion people in awe, proud her work still runs through so many families’ veins? Does Persephone watch the greenhouses and how we can grow some things year-round and think of us as some kind of demi-gods? If Pan saw all the trees we have grown and how our wilderness is beloved, would he think well of us? Would Attis watch us through the trees, watching how we care for the world, absentmindedly allowing overgrowth?

Would Erebus find solace in how many people prefer the dark? Does Hyperion adore us for what we have become? Would Hypnos enjoy watching us add layers and weight to be pulled into slumber, Morpheus skipping through our dreams? Will Thanatos greet us with open arms when we flee this existence?

When one day the sum of our existence is knocking at our door, will it have appeased the ones who came before?

