Understanding the Penalties for Hiding Income for Child Support in Texas

Bryan Joseph Fagan
Texas Family Law Insights
4 min readNov 9, 2023


Understanding the Penalties for Hiding Income for Child Support in Texas

The state of Texas takes child support very seriously, and there are stringent penalties for those who attempt to hide income to avoid paying the appropriate amount. This article delves into the intricacies of Texas law regarding such offenses, outlining the consequences and legal recourses available.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hiding income to avoid child support in Texas can lead to criminal charges.
  • Penalties include fines, jail time, and modification of child support orders.
  • Enforcement actions can be taken by the Texas Attorney General’s office.

Legal Framework for Child Support in Texas

Legal Framework for Child Support in Texas

Understanding Child Support Obligations

Child support is a legal obligation, and the state of Texas has clear guidelines for calculating the amount a non-custodial parent must pay. These calculations take into account the income of both parents and the needs of the child.

Understanding Child Support Obligations

Determining Child Support Obligations

The process of determining child support begins with an assessment of the non-custodial parent’s income and the needs of the child.

Determining Child Support Obligations

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Failing to comply with child support orders can lead to enforcement actions by the Texas Attorney General’s Office.

The Texas Family Code and Child Support

The Texas Family Code is the body of laws governing child support, including the penalties for hiding income. It is crucial for parents to understand these laws to avoid legal repercussions.

Penalties for Hiding Income

Penalties for Hiding Income

Criminal Consequences

Hiding income to reduce child support payments can be prosecuted under Texas law, potentially as a state jail felony.

Criminal Consequences

Civil Repercussions

Beyond criminal charges, civil penalties can also be imposed, including the payment of back child support with interest.

Enforcement of Child Support

Enforcement of Child Support

Role of the Texas Attorney General

The Texas Attorney General’s office plays a pivotal role in enforcing child support orders and can take various actions against those who fail to comply.

Legal Tools for Enforcement

The state has several tools at its disposal, such as wage garnishment, liens on property, and revocation of licenses, to ensure compliance with child support orders.

Legal Tools for Enforcement

The Role of the Courts

The Texas court system plays a pivotal role in the enforcement of child support laws.

Court-Ordered Penalties

Judges have the authority to impose a range of penalties on individuals who hide their income to avoid child support.

Court-Ordered Penalties

Modification of Child Support Orders

In cases where hidden income is discovered, the courts can retroactively modify child support orders. To understand the potential costs associated with these legal proceedings, you can refer to the Texas Family Law Case Cost Pamphlet.

Modification of Child Support Orders

Frequently Asked Questions

What does “hiding income” mean for child support in Texas?

In Texas, “hiding income” for child support means intentionally concealing or misrepresenting earnings to reduce child support payments. This can be done in various ways, such as underreporting wages or disguising income as business expenses.

How does Texas enforce child support orders?

The Texas Attorney General’s Office enforces child support through income withholding, tax refund interception, property liens, credit bureau reporting, and other legal actions to uncover and penalize income concealment.

Can hiding income impact custody decisions in Texas?

Yes, dishonesty in financial matters, like hiding income, may influence custody decisions in Texas, as the court considers a parent’s integrity when determining a child’s best interests.



Bryan Joseph Fagan
Texas Family Law Insights

Bryan Joseph Fagan, Esq. s an attorney specializing in family law, based in Houston, Texas. He The owner of the Law Office of Bryan Fagan a divorce law firm