11 Business Lessons We Learned in 2019

We gained plenty of insights in 2019: That creative workers need both incentives and breaks, why failure is necessary for innovation, and what gym memberships reveal about self-control.

Texas McCombs
Big Ideas
2 min readDec 19, 2019


This past year’s biggest business lessons from faculty experts at Texas McCombs:

Creative Workers Need Both Incentives and Breaks

For best results, churn out ideas, rest, repeat.

How to Fail Smart

Why those seeking to innovate must allow for failure along the way.

What Gym Memberships Can Teach Us About Self-Control

Membership renewal strategies rely on understanding how people self-regulate.

Working Better Together

Organizations benefit from hiring workers of various backgrounds and abilities, says the dean for diversity and inclusion at Texas McCombs.

Don’t Be Rude: Polite Answers Favored by Online Questioners

Civil replies beat confrontational ones when answering other online readers.

‘Fake News’ Can’t Be Flagged Down

Even when the content is flagged as potentially false, Facebook users believe headlines that align with their political beliefs.

The Startup is Ours, but the Idea is Mine

Entrepreneurs can inspire new venture teams by seeking input — with boundaries.

Music to Suit Your Changing Mood

To improve streaming music playlists, researchers create a “personalized DJ” computer program.

Police Become Less Proactive with Increased Public Scrutiny

Officers aren’t as likely to go ‘above and beyond’ when they feel misunderstood, new research shows.

The Big Shift: More Corporate Cash Flows into the U.S. than Out

Despite popular belief, all U.S. firms haven’t been sending most of their earnings abroad to dodge taxes, finds a study using IRS data.

Three Tips for a Happier Workplace

For better results, prioritize employee well-being.



Texas McCombs
Big Ideas

News, business research, and ideas from the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin. Learn more at www.mccombs.utexas.edu