Step one, be quiet..….now go!

Splash Coworking
Texas State Entrepreneurs
3 min readAug 15, 2016

Existing in the mind and the digital world, coworking was talked about as a need, a pent up desire and conceptually Splash Coworking was supported. I was having coffee with a dear friend of mine and trusted advisor when she stopped me in the middle of talking about Splash Coworking and pointed out the fact this was all talk. As I sat in stillness and echoing in my mind, she’s right, all this happens to be, is a great idea. This great idea, where the community exists only in my mind and a few articles. Then came the self-inflicting roadblocks, but I don’t have a physical space, I need funding, it is only me doing this now, what about this, what about that…. Then I stopped, paused in my mind and my physical being and listen to the valuable advice of, “what can you do now”? Immediately the true-self surfaced and I started being more of who I am as a creative, as an entrepreneur, as an innovator. The ideas started bubbling then popping into action plans, laying out the next month in front of me and what I would be doing. Pop-up coworking days would begin and the real community would start forming.

I planned a day, found a space then made the announcement. I patiently waited to see if all of those handshakes, complementing conversations, hours of networking, would turn into clicks, RSVP’s and hopefully bodies at the first coworking day. They did within 24 hours of my post I was filled up and started to worry if I had enough chairs for our space. Everything worked out, there were plenty of chairs, exciting to do list coworkers brought in and plenty of engaging conversations and pops of collaboration started happening before my eyes. Now the concept is real. What a success, the host of the first pop up was surprised to learn people showed up and actually worked, they didn’t just drop by to learn what this “thing” was. There were intentions present and the Splashers who came had a commitment to themselves to get work done. The best feeling was when everyone who came asked, “When is the next one”? So now once a week for the past six months, at various locations around downtown, local small businesses open their doors and let us Splashers in. Different locals coworking by bringing a sketchbook to draw in, a laptop to hammer out emails, a project to pitch to the crowd, and most importantly share who they are to others. This is the most important takeaway for me right now, which is to know of the hidden jewels we have in the community and for the other Splashers, to know of one another. Now because of this community, several startups have collaborated and they are working together hand in hand. Others have gone brick to mortar and set up their own storefronts. All of this lively activity consistently reinforces and emphasizes the need for a creative union, a collection of very diverse like minds and entrepreneurial strength. I have kept in mind, you are as great as the people you surround yourself with, if this is true Splash Coworking is so proud and honored to be a part of such valuable talent, creative, and amazing people. These pop-ups and other Splash Coworking events provide a humble reflection that I am honored to call San Marcos’ finest!

In loving memory of George Forrester, our first host and devoted supporter. I will continue to strive for our local community needs.

For more information or to attend Splash Coworking events follow us on Twitter @SplashCoWork or like us on FaceBook.

The first and only coworking life, network and community in San Marcos, Texas.

Corridor Business Incubator, thank you George.

