Armed Forces Week — U.S. Navy

Texas VLB
Texas Veterans Blog
2 min readMay 11, 2020

May 11th, the Texas Veterans Land Board congratulates the United States Military on Armed Forces Week and specifically salutes the men and women of the United States Navy. Hooyah!

The U.S. Navy is the second oldest of the branches of service, created by the Second Continental Congress in October 1775. So it, with the U.S. Army, predates the birth of the United States. The first Navy, in this original legislation, was a mere two sailing ships outfitted with carriage and swivel guns.

Thank goodness the Navy has come a long way from that! Today there are over 400 ships in active duty naval service. Those ships take a lot of manpower and technological knowledge to operate and successfully manage missions. Today’s Navy is full of talented people, both men and women.

One of those women joined while in high school because she was bored with sitting in a classroom. This was in the 1980s when the military branches were still very male-dominated. When Angie Davis, now Monroe, went to the recruiters, “the Air Force…all they wanted to talk to me about was being a nurse…Army wanted me to be a cook, the Marines wanted me to be clerical, but the Navy said, let’s see how you test.” She took the ASVAB and scored so high on the aptitude test that the recruiter “pulled out a folder in the back marked ‘Male Only’ and told me I could basically choose whatever role I wanted.” She chose to become an aviation electrician.

A funny story Monroe tells about Navy boot camp is that when she was on the bus leaving, “my company commander comes on to see us off [and] says…”What did you think about us?” I said, “You still ain’t got nothing on my momma!” She asked if I wanted to come back and give it another go, she….[could] try harder. I decided to pass.” Sounds like there are definitely similarities across the branches!

Monroe served four years and left to start a family, but today owns a company called DIVAS Impact that focuses on female empowerment and even has a special group for female veterans. She attributes a lot of her leadership to the lessons learned in the Navy.

Today the Veterans Land Board salutes all our nation’s sailors, who are currently or have previously served in the United States Navy! Thank you for sailing on to protect us!

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Texas VLB
Texas Veterans Blog

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