Texas VLB Recognizes National Vietnam War Veterans Day

Texas VLB
Texas Veterans Blog
2 min readMar 25, 2021

Today, March 29, the Texas Veterans Land Board salutes all Members of the active-duty Military during the Vietnam era. Today is National Vietnam War Veterans Day, and the commemoration includes those who served in Vietnam and also those who served elsewhere during that time frame. It was a difficult time for all Military Members, regardless of location, and, in 2007, Congress recognized that fact by authorizing a program to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. That celebration began in 2012 and will continue until Veterans Day in 2025.

This single day of recognition, March 29th, while part of that commemoration, will stand on its own after 2025. President Trump signed the Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act in 2017, and it stipulates March 29 as the National Vietnam War Veterans Day, to “honor all those who answered our nation’s call to duty,” as he said at the time. Some feared that because of the politically charged nature of the war and the decade of the 1960s, that those 9 million heroes would be forgotten in the generations to come. Today’s remembrance goes a long way toward ensuring those men and women are remembered. They served honorably and came home to a country that had forgotten how to honor them.

Thankfully, the wounds of war have mostly healed for our society, and many of those Veterans who were spit on and called names when they returned home are now congratulated and thanked for their service when they wear “Vietnam Veterans” apparel, or show up at military parades, etc. This is only right, as those once young men and women did not choose their roles but only followed where their country sent them.

To join in honoring those who served during the Vietnam era, be sure to visit www.VietnamWar50th.com.

The VLB congratulates all Texans who served during that time period (1955 to 1975), and especially those who fought in-country in Vietnam. We still remember our POWs and MIA, and hope that, one day, all will be accounted for, so their families can rest. We thank every single Member of the Military during that difficult time in our country’s history, regardless of status as a draftee or volunteer, and salute them for their contributions to the United States of America.

If you are a Veteran, thank you for your service. Click Here to Sign Up to stay informed on your benefits with the Texas Veterans Land Board.



Texas VLB
Texas Veterans Blog

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