The VLB Recognizes Operation Enduring Freedom Veterans Day

Texas VLB
Texas Veterans Blog
3 min readOct 6, 2020

The Veterans Land Board reminds our readers that on October 7, 2001, the United States began Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan to remove Osama Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda network and their Taliban allies. This came after the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. President George W. Bush sent the U.S. Armed Forces, in conjunction with those of the United Kingdom and our NATO allies, to topple the restrictive and terrorist-supporting government of Afghanistan.

Operation Enduring Freedom was accomplished, and in recognition in 2013, President Barack Obama ended that mission. So on Oct 7, we celebrate our Operation Enduring Freedom Veterans. These young men and women have come of age in a world of terrorism and less overall national safety than our earlier Veterans have experienced, and we thank them for their brave and selfless service.

Many of these younger Veterans have returned from service in the harsh and dangerous environment of Afghanistan with issues stemming from their experiences there that prevent them from fully rejoining American civilian life. The Veterans Land Board acknowledges these issues, and along with American actions in Iraq from 2003–2011, are among the reasons we created the Next Gen Warrior podcast.

“Upon leaving active duty service, Veterans often encounter hurdles as they integrate back into society,” said VLB Chairman George P. Bush. “Far too often, we hear the stories of Veterans suffering from PTSD and depression. While these stories show the very real struggles faced by Veterans, far too often, we fail to tell the stories of success in the Veteran community. From radio producers to businessmen and women, Next Gen Warrior stories encourage their peers and demonstrate the opportunities available to soldiers when they take off their boots. The series shares not only Veterans stories from combat, but stories of success as they continue to contribute to our society.”

Next Gen Warrior is designed to remind Veterans that their service, whether in the Armed Forces or in their civilian lives afterwards, impact Texas and their fellow Texans exponentially. The stories of success after military service are designed to inspire fellow Veterans and give them heart, that their actions matter.

The podcast is hosted by Dan Hamilton, born and raised in Katy. Dan enlisted in the Marine Corps after graduating from high school in 2005. During his five years of service, he was stationed at the Marine Corps Barracks in Washington, D.C., and deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan, leaving at the rank of Sergeant. Dan earned his undergraduate degree in US Government from the University of Texas at Austin and served there as President of the Student Veterans Association.

Anyone can nominate a Warrior to be featured. The only qualification is that the person nominated must have transitioned out of military service and be currently working in the public or private sector, and have experienced success in their post-military life.

Next Gen Warrior can be found on the Voices of Veterans website, Instagram page @VoicesofVets, YouTube, and other podcasting platforms.



Texas VLB
Texas Veterans Blog

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