Carson Farmer on IPFS — The essential reading list

How IPFS works and how to build on it.

Andrew Hill
3 min readMar 18, 2019


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

I recently traveled to #EthDenver with Carson Farmer and among many things I learned, I learned that Carson has fans. People popped by our table just to say “hi” and thank him for his blog posts on IPFS. If you are getting started with IPFS or already using it but hitting speed bumps, you should look through his work, it contains a ton of great information to help along the way. That’s why today, I’ve decided to put together the Carson Farmer anthology.

Part I — The Essentials

Enabling the distributed web

What’s really happening when you add a file to IPFS?

How IPFS peer nodes identify each other on the distributed web

Swapping bits and distributing hashes on the decentralized web

Part II —Running IPFS

Tutorial: Setting up an IPFS peer, part I

Tutorial: Setting up an IPFS peer, part II

Tutorial: Setting up an IPFS peer, part III

Tutorial: Setting up an IPFS peer, part IV

Part III — Build Stuff

The definitive guide to publishing content on the decentralized web

From Zero to Interplanetary Hero

A short trip to Jupyter via the Inter-planetary File System

This single-page web app can edit itself

Building an interplanetary ĐApp from scratch

Part IV — A Touch of Textile

Building a simple decentralized version control system with IPFS + Textile

Easy personal IPFS pinning service with Textile

Quick Look: Textile Files and Schemas

Be sure to find Carson on our developer Slack channel, just pepper him with your questions 🤘. Or if you want him to speak at your next tech event, just shoot him a tweet 🙌. Speaking of which, don’t forget to apply to IPFS Camp today!



Andrew Hill

Co-founder & CEO @textileio. Medium is for squares. Find me at