SetSDK pod available on Cocoapods

Andrew Hill
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2017

Today, the SetSDK pod goes live on This is a big technological step toward our v1.0 release, and it was exciting to see the team put this together.

In this v0.1 release, we have included our stable APIs and are opening up an invite to more beta testers for some of our bleeding edge features. In today’s release, iOS developers can take advantage of some really exciting features of the SetSDK. If any of these describe you or your team, let’s chat!

  • You are a developer that wants to reduce the friction of asking your users to manually enter their next destinations.
  • You are a developer that needs to know key locations (e.g. Home) of their users but aren’t having luck getting them to manually log those locations.
  • You are an app developer looking to incorporate battery-efficient persistent location data into your app.
  • You are a developer trying to make your app respond the the changing behaviors of your users.
  • Or if you are a developer trying to build advanced forecasting of upcoming behaviors into your app, definitely.

How it works

The magic inside of today’s SDK release is at the feature extraction layer. What the SDK can do really well is build a rich, statistically valuable set of features that capture the dimensions of a user’s behaviors through time. It builds the feature sets while maintaining a minimal impact on battery and CPU. It also captures a ton of information from streaming data on a tiny storage footprint. It does all of this right on the user-device, which will allow it to work under any connection conditions and opening new doors for user privacy and security.

We believe this is better for app developers and for their users.

Today’s SDK uses primarily heuristics to access the feature sets to create classifications and predictions. The next release will be the first that incorporates some of our model-based learning techniques, which will improve and expand the types of predictions the SDK will enable. If you want to work with us to test those advanced predictions, shoot us an email.

Uses of v0.1

We are collecting feedback from developers and learning some of their intended use-cases. It’s pretty exciting. Here are a few of the basic features you can start using right away,

  • Receive in-app automated notifications when a user leaves from or arrives to their home.
  • Receive in-app notifications when a user leaves from or arrives to any significant location or stopover location.
  • Run real-time prediction at any moment and location for where the user is likely going next.

We hope you like it!




Published in Textile

Building new digital experiences by focusing on user privacy, openness, and decentralization.

Andrew Hill
Andrew Hill

Written by Andrew Hill

Co-founder & CEO @textileio. Medium is for squares. Find me at

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