What you missed at the first Context Intelligence Meetup

Andrew Hill
Published in
1 min readMay 29, 2017

Last week we hosted our first Meetup in the CI series. The purpose of our first event was to give a sweeping summary of the field, get everyone familiar with different areas it touches, and then open up the discussion to learn about everyone who came. The event was exciting with lots of early interest in the topic. If you missed it, above are the slides used to guide the discussion (link here).

The conversation went on for over 1.5 hours, but there were two topics that arose pretty frequently:

  1. Mobile / on-device learning and algorithms
  2. Consumer privacy and security

For future events, we’ll be looking for guest speakers working on projects related to context intelligence, especially those that can touch on algorithms and privacy. So if you missed the first event, be sure to join the meetup. We will announce our next event soon. If you are working on a related project and would like to present, or have space here in SF for us to host, shoot me an email, andrew@set.gl.




Published in Textile

Building new digital experiences by focusing on user privacy, openness, and decentralization.

Andrew Hill
Andrew Hill

Written by Andrew Hill

Co-founder & CEO @textileio. Medium is for squares. Find me at https://blog.textile.io/

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