Benefits of a Second Phone Number Without the Cost

Erin L
Text Your Enthusiasm
2 min readMay 14, 2020

Having a phone number is an essential need for most people these days. A phone number is not only necessary to call and text friends and family while you’re apart, but it’s also required for things like online shopping, job applications, dating sites and more.

If you already have a phone number and plan you might think, why would I want to have a second phone number? I don’t want to pay for two phone lines. Well, keep reading and we just might change your mind.

Benefits of a second phone number

Privacy is a huge benefit to having a second number at your disposal. Whether you are using your number for business, signing up for a dating app or your Craigslist account, having a number that’s different than your primary number can provide you with some much needed privacy.

A second line will also allow you to have some separation of your contacts. For example, if you want to keep your business partners and customers separate from your family and friends, use your second number on business cards and your website rather than your primary number.

Signing up for a dating service but want the option to safely ghost a contact that you’re not into? Use your second number. Want missed business calls to go to a professional voicemail message rather than your personal inbox? Use your second number.

Concerns about cost

Well you might think that getting a second number is costly, and with some carriers you’d be right, it would be. No one wants to pay for more than they have to, which is why TextNow is the perfect option for your second number. Available completely free of charge, a TextNow account will provide you with a free phone number you can use for as long as you’d like.

Now you’re thinking: That’s fine and all, but I don’t want to have to buy a new phone to use my TextNow number on, or even carry around two phones at once. But of course you know we have a solution for that as well.

Download the free TextNow app on your Android or iPhone, or even sign up through your desktop browser, and use the service alongside your existing phone plan. Two numbers, both accessible on one phone? Sounds like a win-win to me.

