Dating During COVID-19

Madison Holman
Text Your Enthusiasm
3 min readApr 29, 2020

It’s a strange time for everyone — new routines, working from home, staying in, and socially distancing to help flatten the curve. But if you’re single, that doesn’t mean you can’t make the most of dating during COVID-19. Dating no longer looks like meeting up to see a movie, or having dinner and drinks and getting to know someone through IRL conversation. It’s all about making a good first impression and trying to sum up who you are in a short bio, choosing six of the best pictures that display who you are, and swiping or matching with people you think might be compatible with you.

Or in some rare cases, it’s all of the above.

A modern day love story

Due to global shutdowns for non-essential businesses and social distancing practices, in-person dates aren’t an option at the moment. But thankfully, there are enough dating apps and virtual services to help you get to know a new love interest, or perhaps just a new friend.

I’m no expert on this matter — but I am single. I’ve gone through the process of setting up a few dating profiles, and have learned a few things on how to make dating during a global pandemic feel a little less scary.

“Can I have your number?”

I prefer not to give out my phone number to strangers. If someone wants my number, I usually play it safe and give them my secondary line — AKA my TextNow number. This keeps my dating life separate from everything else, and if I ever want to take a break from dating I can just log out and log back in whenever I’m ready to start mingling again.

“When can I see you?”

I don’t like having video chats with new people. It might just be me, but there is no way to look cute when I’m trying to hold my phone a foot away from my face…. and I don’t know about you, but there’s little chance of me getting dressed up and putting on make up when I know I’m not leaving the house that day.

In a recent data analysis that we published, we found out that people’s calling and texting habits changed drastically during their time under lockdown. Text messages, calls, even calling time increased significantly in March, perhaps to no one’s surprise. But it’s an interesting thought that communication is seeing a return to its original, pre-social apps methods. There is merit in simply holding a phone conversation or a long text thread, and getting to know each other without all the social pressures of physical appearances first.

The key to successful online dating‒a second phone number!

So what’s the moral of this story? Just because you’re staying home and restricted from physically meeting new people, that doesn’t mean your dating life needs to come to a halt. You can still use this time to get to know other people in your area and once you’re able to finally meet maybe you’ll be able to skip that whole awkward, first time meet-and-greet that is so common after meeting someone online! Lucky for you, with TextNow, calls and texts are free and unlimited so you can afford to stay safe and keep your dating game strong even while in quarantine.

