It’s The Most Stressful Time of the Year: Black Friday Sales Edition

Valeria K
Text Your Enthusiasm
5 min readNov 1, 2017

September is for the kids, October is for the costumes, and November…well, November is for the sales.

Chalkboard interpretation of the Black Friday phenomenon

Here on the Text Your Enthusiasm blog, we try not to bombard you with sales jargon — this is a place for fun stories, announcements, and all the best tips and tricks to make the most out of your TextNow experience. But, seeing as Black Friday has essentially become a National holiday at this point in time, we’re not willing to set you loose without having all the facts first.

Online vs. In-Person Shopping

Retail stores have been fighting this battle for quite some time now. It’s come to the point where some products may be listed at a certain low price that’s available as an “online price only” on their respective sites. So it’s no wonder that Black Friday sales will be dependent on these two types of shoppers:

  1. Those who prefer to see the product in person and have the added comfort of checking out with a real, live person.
  2. Those who prefer to avoid the crowds and disappointments of “out of stock” stickers and shop from the comfort of their own homes.

Since TextNow only offers its products and services online, I’m going to try and do the impossible: Convince those of you who are the former to become an online shopper this holiday season. Well, at least for your smartphone.

How Will I Know If I Like The Phone?

We understand that if you’re about to be spending a significant amount of money, you want to be 100% sure that it’s what you want. When it comes to electronics, so much of your decision is based on aesthetics and ease of use as much as it is based on pricing. Seeing as a smartphone is something that you’ll be using extensively every single day, it’s important that you absolutely love it.

Our solution:

Take our phones for a test drive. No, really, we mean it. If you decide you would like a different phone, we offer a 30 day money-back guarantee where you can get all your money back. No gimmicks, no extra handling fees, no fine print and we’ll send you a pre-paid return label. Just pack it up, send it back and forget about it.

And if you wish to avoid buyer’s remorse altogether, a more creative solution would be to research user reviews and unboxing videos on services such as Tom’s Guide and YouTuber iTechUOutGuy before making your purchase. Unboxing videos can really help in giving you a more personalized view and experience of the phone without it being physically in your hand.

All Right, I Like The Phone, But I Want it NOW

Another major point for in-person shopping is the ability to purchase it and have it all in the same day. We get it — it’s exciting to drive all the way to a store, point to a phone, have the associate find the box from the back, pay up, and walk out feeling victorious.

Or is it?

Shoppers scrambling for products during Black Friday shopping

Truth of the matter is, shopping in person is a chore. Malls and stores are crowded. Parking is impossible to find. And worst of all, you might get to the store only to find out that the specific model that you wanted (or color) is not in stock. And you now either have to drive to another store in the area in search of your perfect phone, or worse, settle for another available model. That’s not a victory, is it?

Our Offer:

Sure, we don’t offer same day delivery, but not even Amazon can guarantee that. What we do offer is express 2 business days delivery (and you don’t have to be a Prime member for that), and here’s the best part: Free shipping. So you’re only 1 click and 2 days away from your dream phone. No chores there. And with the extra time that you saved on your shopping, you can spend more on the things that actually matter during this holiday season — like finding the perfect case for your new phone ;)

Well, I Would…But I Don’t Have a Credit Card

And we come to the last and probably biggest hurdle when it comes to online shopping: It requires a credit card.

Our Suggestion:

We’ve dealt with all kinds of customer situations, and our motto is always “where there is a will, there is a way”. The easiest method to get around this obstacle is to purchase a pre-paid Mastercard/Visa/Amex card. It does not require a credit check, and is fairly easy to find in local convenience stores, Walmart, and the like. And the best part is that they’re reloadable! So if you’re purchasing a phone and plan for a minor, you can ensure that they can never accidentally run you a bill for upgrading their plan since the card on file can be managed (ie. you can manually reload it each month with only $20).

So there you have it! All the reasons why you may prefer to shop in person squashed in less than 500 words. Just kidding. But really, with no extra overhead costs that usually come with managing a store or chain, online retailers can offer much lower prices for the same product. And as friendly and social as the world may be, everyone can get a little irritable during the holiday season, so why not avoid the frustrations and altercations by doing it all from your own home?

So head over to TextNow, and get it all done early, so you can have the rest of your time to face the next shopping beast: The perfect Thanksgiving turkey.

Good luck!

