Save The Data!

Kevin Cogliano
Text Your Enthusiasm
1 min readJul 19, 2017

Summertime is the time to get outside, hang with friends, and show yourself off to the world. Between posting your pictures of your meals on Instagram, checking in with your friends on Facebook, following the day’s hashtags on Twitter or keeping an eye on your work Slack feed, you can really chew through your data plan in no time.

With TextNow you’re never out of data entirely, because once you go over your data limit for the month we switch you to a 2G connection. 2G is plenty fast enough for calling and texting, but for those big data-gobbling apps 2G is less than ideal.

So to help you conserve your 3G/4G data while off wifi, we’ve assembled a pile of tips over at our Support site to help you save your data this summer, including tips and tricks for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Netflix, Spotify and Snapchat. That’ll help keep you going for all the beaches, fireworks and summer sunset shots you’ll take of your best summer ever.



Kevin Cogliano
Text Your Enthusiasm

Kevin Cogliano loves nothing more than writing about himself in the third person.