Create Geographical Maps With ChatGPT and Textomap

Learn how to generate and utilise maps for any purpose, in seconds.

Dario Raijman
2 min readMar 29, 2023


In this article, I will share how you can use ChatGPT’s natural language processing capabilities and generate interactive maps for Travel and Educational purposes with the Textomap web app. Here are a few examples of what you can do:

Travel prompts

Example prompt: Build me an itinerary for 3 days in London?

Travel itinerary created by Textomap

Recommendations & tips:
Example prompt: Top 5 restaurants in NYC?

Restaurant recommendations by asking ChatGPT

Educational prompts

Example prompt: What are the highest mountains in the world?

Map showing the highest mountains in the world

Example prompt: Which countries took part in WW2?

Answer to the question, which countries took part in World War 2

Example prompt: What species are endangered and where can I see them?

Map of endagered species

How to use ChatGPT on Textomap:

  1. Go to, press “start creating maps”
    and select “Ask a question”
  2. Type in your question or prompt.
  3. ChatGPT will look for a relevant answer, which will be visualised
    on a map alongside it.
  4. The textual answer and map are connected. It will guide you and provide more information like images and Wikipedia data.
How to ask ChatGPT questions with Textomap

If the prompt has an answer that contains locations anywhere in world,
you can generate a map from it. Be as specific as possible😉.

I hope this article was useful.
Don’t forget to clap and share this with your friends.

Cheers from Berlin,


