Truth Lutheran Church in Taipei, where Bethel students attended college students fellowship and Sunday service. | Photo by Haley Pollema.

A community of believers

Humbling experience of worshiping the same God on the other side of the globe

Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2019


By Haley Pollema

During the first few days in Taiwan, I couldn’t help but notice how welcomed I have felt. Our group of rag-tag Americans has received endless warm smiles and head nods. I was especially overwhelmed by the sweet round of applause we received when we were introduced at the Sunday service at Truth Lutheran Church in Taipei. The community made me feel instantly at home… even more so than I do at my church in the States.

The church in Taiwan is truly an incredible community of believers. The pastor of Truth Church pointed out to us that there are 3000 churchgoers at 4 different churches within 1 square mile around that area. This statistic is astounding to me! I am overwhelmed with the sheer number of people who are worshiping on this side of the globe in this part of Taipei. We may live worlds apart, yet we are so similar in what we believe.

Bethel students having fellowship with local college students in Truth Church in Taipei. | Photo by Kristin Sandau.

One particular instance which brought me to tears was reciting the apostles’ creed together. I have recited and studied this creed a hundred times throughout my life — in catechism, in Sunday school, in church. The words have become routine, mundane and even mindless; however, reciting them with a whole church of believers who are of a different culture, background and lifestyle than myself, was absolutely humbling. This experience brought new meaning to the words I was speaking. I was so moved by declaring Jesus as my Lord and savior with all those around me. Although they may be strangers, they are my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Bethel students listening to a lecture by one of the pastors of Truth Church in Taipei. | Photo by Haley Pollema.

C.S. Lewis said: “What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it.” I am strongly convicted that the body of Christ around the globe shares a friendship which cannot compare to anything else this world has to offer. I am so thankful that I have had the opportunity to experience this truth while traveling the beautiful country of Taiwan.

One of my goals for this trip is to experience God through seeing him in the world he has created. I know now that one of the most soul-filling ways to encounter God is not through the physical world around me, but through the souls of the beautiful people that he placed here. I cannot wait to continue to learn more about the people here in Taiwan and how God is working through them to accomplish his plan.



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Serving the Lord while traveling the world.