Editor’s Desk is online: follow what we are investigating

2 min readMay 7, 2018


By Mehmet Atakan Foça

We are releasing the Editor’s Desk where users can view all the claims that are verified, in progress or cannot be verified by the editors of teyit.org.


Followers of teyit.org can also see how many claims have been investigated and how many of them will be investigated.

The Editor’s Desk provides live data streaming from the software used by teyit.org called Dubito to store evidences and analyze suspicious content.

The Editor’s Desk will clearly show the status of all claims that have passed the prioritization criteria of teyit.org.

Live data

With the search bar inside, users will be able to find the case they want to know about. Users will be able to follow the beginning time of the investigation of doubtful content.

Search Bar

When claims are verified, they will be marked as green on the Editor’s Desk, and will contain a link to the analysis posted on teyit.org’s website. Likewise, when a claim cannot be verified by the editors, it will be marked with gray, users would be informed by clicking on the question mark icon why the claim can not be verified.

Reasons of claims are not being verified. (On the left: “evidences are not trustable” and the right: “there is no enough evidences”)

The Editor’s Desk is live at teyit.org/editormasasi.

We want to make the editorial process of teyit.org more transparent. We hope the Editor’s Desk ensure that users can follow status of suspicious news have been sent to teyit.org.

Thanks to Şerafettin Yarar and Can Çitoğlu for their contributions. You may be able to contribute to open source dubito via GitHub.




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