Introducing TezAuction

Dex Auction
Published in
3 min readFeb 12, 2021


Amidst the booming space of Non Fungible Tokens and with the Tezos ecosystem growing by leaps and bound, we are very excited to bring to the Tezos ecosystem its first auction based marketplace for Non Fungible Tokens — TezAuction.

TezAuction is driven by a unified flexible framework for conducting various formats of auctions with customisable auctioning attributes. It currently supports 4 types of auctions as a means to list and sell assets. These include English or Ascending price auctions, Dutch or Descending price auctions, Sealed Bid and Vickrey auctions along with fixed price listings.

Auctions are widely considered to be the best means for price discovery and formation, especially for rare items.

TezAuction is the only platform that currently supports such flexibility to choose, create and customise your own auction for selling your non-fungible assets.

As most readers would be aware, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are an increasingly popular blockchain primitive, especially for representing rare, precious and/or unique digital assets across a range of contexts and use-cases. These can include digital artworks, metaverse assets, virtual characters, collectible and tradable cards, in-game assets, financial instruments and much more.

TezAuction also allows NFT artists and projects to tokenise their artwork, collectibles, and much more by minting NFTs on Tezos for free. The FA2 multi-asset token standard is used for minting, managing, and transferring the NFTs while the multimedia files corresponding to the NFTs and the relevant metadata are stored on IPFS. FA2 offers a unified token contract interface, supporting a wide range of token types and implementations including, but not limited to fungible and non-fungible tokens. As a marketplace, TezAuction will also support listing and auctioning all NFTs minted using the FA2 token standard from platforms like OpenMinter and Kalamint.

TezAuction is your one stop platform to discover, create, collect and trade amazing NFTs and to earn as you do so!

But that’s not all! It is also the first Tezos dApp with meta (gasless) transactions enabled through its partnership and integration with Biconomy. Through Biconomy’s simplified web3 onboarding & experience, NFT projects and their users can stop worrying about transaction fees and mint and list their NFTs free-of-cost.

TezAuction connects with the Tezos network using the Beacon wallet. Thereby, all your favourite Tezos wallets including Thanos, Kukai, Galleon and AirGap are supported.

We are launching early March on the Edonet test network so keep on the lookout to mint and trade your NFTs. A huge shoutout to NFT projects within the Tezos ecosystem and artists to join the platform. To list with us, drop a mail to

For the latest information on the TezAuction marketplace and minting platform, join the Telegram group and follow the Twitter linked below.

We look forward to an amazing journey with all you amazing people!

Cheers 🎉
Team TezAuction

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Dex Auction

The one stop On-Chain Auction Solution 🧑🏼‍⚖️