And it’s a Wrap — TEZASIA Hackathon 2022

Vaishnavi Sawant
Tezos India
Published in
6 min readSep 23, 2022

The TEZASIA HACKATHON, a month-long Hackathon in association with TZAPAC, has been more than just a significant milestone for the Tezos ecosystem in India. Since its launch, in June 2022, the event has attracted an unparalleled level of interest from developers to build the most innovative and disruptive projects on the Tezos blockchain.

This Hackathon intended to foster a culture of creativity by assisting aspiring developers in finding solutions to pressing problems. It not only helps developers learn how to develop on the Tezos Blockchain but also increased their chances of getting funding for their ideas and getting hired by some of the biggest dapps in the ecosystem.

Some significant cues -

  • 100,000 USD in prizes
  • 11k+ Registrations
  • 135+ Idea submissions
  • 34 Projects
  • 10 Winning Projects

We saw many teams and individuals participating in the hackathon, ideating and developing projects on the Tezos blockchain which were not only ingenious but also appealing to the blockchain community. These winning star projects of TEZASIA HACKATHON paved a way for our future developers to build an unhinged Tezos infrastructure in India, and we want to share the experiences of these winning teams and all about their projects.

1. Clustors

This project is a tool, based on the portfolio management for Tezos-based tokens. It uses the principle of average calculation to maintain optimum output for the portfolio. In simple words, you can create a cluster with a certain number of crypto tokens and then convert it into another tradable token. Earlier you had to do multiple transactions with multiple tokens in your wallet, to earn and provide liquidity to the market. Using this tool you can earn on your holding and provide flash loans to others. Its main advantage is that it maintains the market fluctuation and gives you optimum output because of volatile price indexing in the market.

Click to check the project

2. TezMint

It is an NFT minting platform using the Tezos platform. Tezmint provides a user-centric experience of NFT minting only by selecting the desired file for the minting operation. Users pay fixed prices except for the market trend for minting. Apart from technology, it has an advantage over ecological sustainability with low energy consumption. With low gas fees and trading fees, it also stays ahead of the market trend because of the Tezos blockchain network mechanism of self-amendment.

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3. AuthFA2

It is a decentralized authentication tool for web service platforms. it uses IPFS and smart contracts to execute in combination with its authentication operation. It uses the FA2 token for the transaction purpose of this application. When a user connects their wallet with the service he/she wants to access/login to, this app authenticates its credentials without using a centralized system, using correct FA2 tokens. In this process, the smart contract plays an essential role in executing the entire operation.

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4. Zenith

Zenith is the first perpetual future and options exchange on the Tezos blockchain. It provides users to go long or short on perpetual of their favorite assets with up to 10x leverage in all market conditions. It’s a first-ever trading platform on Tezos that will utilize fast transaction speed and low gas fees which will help users to trade more.

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5. CraiyoNFT

The majority of NFT Collections have little to no user participation when creating the NFTs that customers pay for. There is a lack of integration between the many different fields of technology (crypto, 3D web development & AI, etc.)

This project is the Incorporation of both Generative and Interactive NFTs into the Tezos marketspace as its a fusion of multiple fields of technologies, namely Machine Learning, Web3, and full-stack web development.

Click to check the project

6. Lumos Protocol

Energize/LumosProtocol is the convergence of the two most exciting fields in crypto — NFT and DEFI. With Energize, you can put digital assets inside your NFTs and create exciting new applications.

With these new open-source lending platforms, this project is the perfect bridge between NFTs and DeFi on Tezos

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7. SpaceOZ

Project SpaceOZ is a unique game based on the “Play-and-earn” Model which is more enjoyable and focuses on strong community growth. With fewer entry barriers and more focus on onboarding the younger generation to the Web3 gaming space. The team advised the future participants to have fun, make friends, learn something new every day and join this incredible community. The most important thing is to keep learning new things along the way.

Click to check the project

8. NF3x

Nf3x is a multi-asset swap marketplace for Fungible and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) which aims to facilitate peer-to-peer (P2P) bartering & on-chain financing between sellers and buyers of non-fungible tokens. The NFT <-> NFT trade function is geared toward the blue-chip traders who adopted some huge project in the early stage and necessarily do not want to liquidate their NFTs, they can trade on this platform using those NFT bypassing the superfluous step of liquidation.

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9. DevilsList

DevilsList is an end-to-end platform to invest, raise funds, maintain cap-table, manage cash flow, and payroll & accounting done on-chain.

The team advised the future participants ” Refer to official documentation provided by Tezos or for any other technology used like taquito, smartpy, etc. If you are a beginner, follow along with the workshops after going through the basics. If you have any questions as you progress, don’t hesitate to ask for mentor help.”

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10. MintApp

It is the WhatsApp chatbot that will introduce Tezos to the next million users. Through a single interface that makes managing your Tez, using dApps, and minting NFTs as easy as texting your friends.

With the help of WhatsApp, the team disseminated a wallet, NFT browser, and minter that are Beacon compatible in an effort to promote the adoption of the Tezos ecosystem and NFTs.

Click to check the project

Huge congrats to all incredible developer teams and their alluring projects. These teams pushed the limits of their ingenuity and diligence to create these incredible projects. We wish them luck as they continue to grow and explore the Web3 universe.

For more details on our forthcoming Hackathons and events, stay tuned to this space. If you want to stay up to speed on news from Tezos India, follow us on Twitter till we reveal the details of the upcoming fellowship programs and events.

