Significant Career Roles that Women Can Embrace in the Crypto & Blockchain Space

Vaishnavi Sawant
Tezos India
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2022

By the time a woman makes her first income, her career choice has been shaped by years of education, mentorship, parental expectations, firm hiring procedures, and societal norms and expectations about work-family balance held by her employers, co-workers, and the society at large. In other words, even while women are disproportionately drawn to lower-paying, female-dominated occupations, discrimination, societal stereotypes and other factors outside women’s control influence their choices. In such a scenario, ruling out these pre-existing discrepancies becomes the need of the hour.

In India, the workforce participation rates of women have remained dismally low over the years across various sectors; and the cryptocurrency and blockchain sector in our country is no exception. Understandably, women embracing all kinds of executive-level, managerial, entry to mid-level and operational roles in the crypto and blockchain space is the first and foremost progressive thing the industry needs today in order to witness a mass appeal and create a credible impact. It is heartening that the gender divide in the blockchain and crypto industries is narrowing as more and more women are nowadays pursuing careers as investors, traders, analysts, developers, CXOs, and even crypto entrepreneurs. Women are also joining this novel tech revolution and transformation as creators, builders and influencers.

As Financial/Research Analysts, women can gather, analyse and work on large data sets using blockchain technology to plan, predict and project information so as to serve certain organisations’ agenda. Additionally, with the decentralised approach and nature of blockchain, it is easier for women to gain traction over different sectors as Marketing Managers. Developing marketing and pricing strategies is deemed to become the forte for women who are able to yield benefits from this technology whose core principles lies in equal opportunities for all. Furthermore, there are interesting and increasing career opportunities in web development and web security as well for women who are excited to explore their potential in opening up avenues for reformed blockchain technology usage. Women with a fair knowledge of cryptocurrency and blockchain but those who don’t wish to get into technical nitty-gritty from the career perspective, can share their expertise as content creators. As the journalism field is also moving towards gender inclusivity, both opportunities pertaining to blockchain and mass communication can be utilised for being a technical writer with a specialisation in the crypto/blockchain beat.

In Conclusion

As per a recent study, women made up 43 per cent of those interested in cryptocurrency investments, defying the dominant preconception. As a matter of fact, in today’s tech-driven professional environment, women make up half of the global tech workforce; while in India, women constitute a significant majority of our country’s crypto investors. As more women strive for financial independence or a secondary source of income, the blockchain and crypto boom phenomenon will provide a safe sanctuary for them. It is high time to realize the role of blockchain technology in getting the wheels of finance turning quicker towards a gender inclusive future.

On an individual level, we need attributions for developing women leaders so that more people will step up and take on leadership roles, while at the Governmental levels, we need policy support and creation of an enabling ecosystem. This could again be accomplished through specialised training, on-the-job learning guidance, coaching opportunities and workplace mentorship. Also, recent initiatives like SheCrypt by Tezos India that enable women’s career-making in the crypto, blockchain, NFT and web3 arena are going a long way in paving a better future along the same lines by focusing on similar types of mentorship, guidance, knowledge-dissemination etc. for the young women enthusiasts. At the same time, we should also go all out to recognise and appreciate our female powerhouses’ initiatives and achievements within the organisations, particularly in the tech domain.

