Recap: LigoLang Tezos Israel Ligo Workshop

Recordings, Slack Channel, and Tezos Development Resources

Adam Shinder
Tezos Israel
2 min readMay 23, 2022


The Ligolang Tezos Israel Ligo Workshop was a huge success. We built on-chain games, crafted smart contracts, and launched our own Dapps. But, don’t worry if you missed it! The recordings and session recaps are below.

Thank you to the entire Ligolang team for their time, effort and training sessions.

Day 1: Ligo Koans

On Day 1, Dr. Didier Plaindoux, Manager of LigoLang, taught about Ligo functionality, syntax, and the basics of functional programming through koans. Koans are mental exercises used for the attendees to learn various Ligo functionality and test it.

GitHub: Ligo Koans

YouTube: Day 1 Recording

Day 2: Beginner Smart Contracts

On Day 2, Benjamin Fuentes taught how to create a Dapp, inter-contract calls, views, indexing, and unit + mutation tests. This was accomplished through creating a Poke game.

GitHub: Training Dapp 1 (Poke Game)

YouTube: Day 2 Recording

Day 3: Advanced Smart Contract Functionality

On Day 3, Benjamin Fuentes elaborated on the functionality of the Poke game and taught practical skills along the way. The additional functionality was sending secret messages between contracts when “poking” each other.

GitHub: Training Dapp 2

YouTube: Day 3 Recording

Day 4: Building a Rock-Paper-Scissors Game

On Day 4, Dr. Didier Plaindoux taught how to build an on-chain version of the classic game, rock-paper-scissors. Users can choose a move, and it will be hidden on-chain until both players select a move. This was in addition to many logical rules applied to this game.

GitHub: Rock-Paper-Scissors (Shifumi)

YouTube: Day 4 Recording

As a Ligo/Tezos developer, these groups are very helpful to be in:

All participants received an NFT Certificate and LigoLang socks!

Feel free to follow Tezos Israel and LigoLang on Twitter, and we’re very thankful to the entire LigoLang team for preparing this informative workshop.

