Wantez: Hello World!

A platform for connecting open-source projects and freelance developers, built on Tezos

Chaim Lev-Ari
Tezos Israel
2 min readFeb 10, 2021


Make sure to check out WanTez.io

After months of planning, developing, and testing, Tezos Israel is proud to announce a new dApp for the Tezos Ecosystem, Wantez. A play on the word ‘wanted,’ is a bug bounty platform built on Tezos for all types of open source projects and freelance developers. The development of Wantez is conducted by Tezos Israel’s developer team led by Chaim Lev-Ari (Twitter @chiptus), and Ameed Jadallah.

Wantez is an incentivized freelancing platform for Funders and Contributors to meet and cooperate together for bug bounties and requests while ensuring proper and timely development for all open source projects. Wantez allows developers across the world to monetize their skills by contributing code and bug fixes to various open-source projects.

  • Developing companies can more cost-efficiently patch bugs.
  • Startups will be able to augment their teams for temporary periods of time without increasing the total team size.
  • Individuals can more efficiently hire development help. Wantez also incentivizes and helps to bring more developers into the Tezos ecosystem.
  • Funders on the platform will be able to offer and fund gigs that need work done. They post a description of the work they need to be completed, along with the amount of compensation included.
  • Developers can scroll through various available gigs posted by open-source platforms and decide which ones they want to work on.

With payments being conducted and verified on the Tezos blockchain, both parties can be confident that they’ll be paid in a timely, secure manner once the work is completed.

The entire Tezos Israel team is thrilled to be contributing a new, exciting, useful dApp to the Tezos Ecosystem. Wantez creates a brand new use case and utility for your Tez (XTZ), and we hope you will be able to utilize it. A huge thank you to Chaim Lev-Ari, Head of Research and Development, and Ameed Jadalah, Senior Software Engineer, for their hard work and dedication to putting together this incredible project. We can’t wait to see where Wantez goes and its positive effect it will have on all its users.

The alpha version of Wantez will be launching soon. Be sure to subscribe at wantez.io. Twitter @Wantez

