Kiln Update: 0.8.2 Version Released

Tezos Kiln
Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2020

Kiln is an application that allows users to bake on the Tezos blockchain as well as monitor and receive alerts from a self-curated set of bakers and nodes. Today, we are excited to announce that Kiln version 0.8.2 is now available for Linux (Ubuntu), MacOS Catalina, VM, and Docker (monitoring only). Kiln 0.8.2 introduces a few new features: Multinetwork node support, Delphi support, and an updated UI with regard to node software notifications. We delve into each new feature in this post.

Key Resources

Multinetwork Node Support

Before a multinetwork node was introduced earlier this year, a separate Tezos build was required for each supported network. The Multinetwork node allows a single Tezos build to operate on multiple supported networks. Prior Kiln releases bundled multiple Tezos builds to support multiple networks. With this new 0.8.2 release, Kiln replaces the multiple builds with a single multinetwork Tezos version, significantly reducing Kiln’s installation size (from 10GB to 820 MB for Ubuntu, from 9 Gb to 750 Mb for MacOS and reduced virtual machine image size from 4.1 Gb to 1.7 Gb) and keeping Kiln’s Tezos software up-to-date for all networks.

Delphi Support

The new 0.8.2 release allows you to run Kiln on Delphi. Please make sure that your Ledger device is updated and has the latest firmware version running to avoid missing endorsements. You can run a test baker on delphinet to check.

UI Updates for Node Software Notifications

Since nodes sometimes do not provide information about what version of Tezos is running, we removed the warning that said a node had outdated Tezos software. If the software is not updated, the application will display a question mark and include the link to the latest Tezos version available for the reference.

As with prior releases, we encourage feedback on Kiln 0.8.2! If you want to get more info on Kiln, check out



Tezos Kiln

Kiln is an application that allows users to monitor, receive alerts and bake on Tezos.