Smart Contract Wallet — Part 3

A one-stop solution for safe and secure storage of your Tez and all Tezos tokens.

Pawan Dhanwani
2 min readMar 1, 2021


Token Support

We tested multiple stable coins in their ability to be transferred between other SCAs (`Smart contract accounts`).

We tried transferring 10 kUSD, 6 USDtz, 0.002 tzBTC, and 2wXTZ between SCAs.

In-app signer for a better experience

We have designed an in-app signer for a better user experience. This way users don’t have to rely on a third-party signer to perform operations. All the user has to do is set a password or pin which is used internally to decode the signature of the user’s account and perform operations.

Include a message with every XTZ transfer

How about including a message with every transfer? We have provided users with an option to include a short message with every operation on-chain for a better user experience.

Sequence Diagram

ICC: Inter contract call

New Owner: Ideally, it is the same owner with the new EOA

Support for FA-2

The wallet should also facilitate users to transfer NFTs (`Non-fungible tokens`). We have successfully tested support for transferring NFTs and are working for more NFT functionality.

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