Upgrading the Tezster CLI to Version 2.0

With new features to support developers in the ever-growing Tezos ecosystem.

Kapil Agrawal
3 min readApr 28, 2020


Tezster is Ganache for Tezos. It includes a personal Tezos blockchain, baker, Command-line tool, and Desktop application. The Tezster suite contains the Tezster tool and Tezster Bundles. It provides a complete interface to build, deploy, and interact with smart contracts and decentralized applications on Tezos.

We upgraded the Tezster-CLI to version 2.0 and added some interesting features!

So What’s New?

For version 2.0 we set out to make Tezster more user-friendly, so we are introducing some really nice new features:

  1. Docker integration for Tezos Alphanet nodes.
  2. Cross-platform compatibility.
  3. Auto baking processes.
  4. Complex smart contracts deployment and invocation support.
  5. An easy approach to create wallets and activate accounts.
  6. Better logging of user actions for traceability.
  7. Introducing new commands for easy interaction with smart contracts, accounts and nodes.
  8. Tezster GUI integration for visual interaction with local nodes.
  9. Bundle-react compatibility.

Try out Tezster-CLI

We invite everyone to test it out! All the following steps below can also be found in our documentation.

A quick tutorial for the Tezster CLI

Install the NPM package using the following command:

sudo npm install -g tezster@latest

Local Node Setup

After a successfully installation the Tezos nodes need to be setup on the local machine. Setting up local nodes will create a Tezos network on your machine. You always have the option to switch to remote nodes. For detailed instructions refer to our documentation.

Tezos Local Nodes Setup

Switch Node Provider

A lot of different providers run Tezos nodes. You can switch to another node provider as per your convenience (local or remote node). For more information visit this link.

Switch Providers

Account Activation

You can activate and use your own account to interact with Carthagenet (one of the test networks of Tezos). For details visit this link.

Add and Activate Testnet Account

Create Wallet and Transactions

You can create a Testnet account on local node/remote node without the need of a faucet. Besides creating a wallet, you will be able to transfer Tez from one account wallet to another.

Create Wallet and Transfer Transactions

Smart Contract Operations

Apart from deploy and invoke, you can fetch the storage from a smart contract. To learn more about the different operations refer to our documentation page.

Smart Contract Operations

What’s next?

We will keep upgrading Tezster with new features. Some include:

  • Integration of an Emacs with Michelson mode-like text editor.
  • Support of multiple smart contract languages.
  • Interactive contract deployment and invocation.
  • Commands to control gas limit, storage limit and other parameters.

Want to learn more about Tezsure, Tezster and OrO? Stay in touch.

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