Text Summarization on HuggingFace

Yugal Jain
TFUG Mumbai Weekly
Published in
5 min readSep 1, 2020

Summarization is basically of two types i.e. Abstractive and Extractive Summarization. Here we will cover both types and will see how we can finetune pretrained T5 transformers on particular dataset.

1. Introduction

Summarization is a task of getting short summaries from long documents i.e. news articles or research articles. Basically it can be of two types i.e. Extractive and abstractive summarization.

  • Extractive Summarization — Extractive Summarization is a shortening of paragraphs in large documents i.e. news articles, medical publications or research articles throught extracting important information from those documents without keeping context in mind.
  • Abstractive Summarization — Abstractive Summarization is quite different from prior basic summarization technique. In prior summarization, resulting summaries may or maynot be meaningful because it’s just a process of extracting important sentences from long documents but in abstractive summarization , resulting summaries tries to consider context for whole document and then summarize it accordingly where words maynot be exact similar to given documents. That’s why abstractive summarization is commonly used for summarizing news articles. For e.g. inshorts app uses abstractive summarization system to summarize news into short summaries.

2. Dataset

We will use Cnn-Daily News Summary dataset here to perform summarization using T5 pretrained model. T5 is a text-to-text transfer transformer model which is trained on unlabelled and labelled data and further finetuned to individual tasks for language modelling. Here we will use T5-small pretrained model to finetune it on wikihow dataset for summarization task.

Custom DataClass

class CustomDataset(Dataset):  def __len__(self):   return len(self.text)  def __getitem__(self,i):   summary = str(self.summary[i])   summary = ' '.join(summary.split())   text = str(self.text[i])   text = ' '.join(text.split())   source =     self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus([text],max_length=self.text_len,return_tensors='pt',pad_to_max_length=True) 
# Each source sequence is encoded and padded to max length in batches
target = self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus([summary],max_length=self.summ_len,return_tensors='pt',pad_to_max_length=True)
# Each target sequence is encoded and padded to max lenght in batches
source_ids = source['input_ids'].squeeze() source_masks = source['attention_mask'].squeeze() target_ids = target['input_ids'].squeeze() target_masks = target['attention_mask'].squeeze() return { 'source_ids':source_ids.to(torch.long), 'source_masks':source_masks.to(torch.long), 'target_ids':target_ids.to(torch.long), 'target_masks':target_masks.to(torch.long) }

3. Pretrained Model

There are basically two architectures are commonly used for summarization i.e. T5 and BART based. In our case we will go for T5 i.e. Text to Text Transfer Transformer based pretrained model. We will use T5ForConditionalGeneration architecture as pretrained model and T5TokenizerFast as tokenizer.

4. Training

Now after creating custom dataclass to load and preprocess summary dataset, we will finetune T5 model for summary generation.

def train(epoch,model,tokenizer,loader,optimizer,device):  model.train()  print(loader)  for step,data in enumerate(loader,0):  y = data['target_ids'].to(device)  y_ids = y[:,:-1].contiguous() # all ids except last one  lm_labels = y[:,1:].clone().detach() # copy the address and detach label  lm_labels[y[:,1:]==tokenizer.pad_token_id] = -100 # if it's padded token then assign it to -100  source_ids = data['source_ids'].to(device)  masks = data['source_masks'].to(device)  outputs = model(input_ids = source_ids,attention_mask =   masks,decoder_input_ids=y_ids,labels=lm_labels)  loss  = outputs[0]  if step%10==0:  print('Epoch:{} | Loss:{}'.format(epoch,loss))  wandb.log({'training_loss':loss}) # Saving logs after every 10  steps or batches  optimizer.zero_grad()  loss.backward() # optimize weights through backpropagation loss  optimizer.step()

5. Evaluation

Finally after training, it’s time to evaluate model on validation data.

def validation(epoch,tokenizer,model,device,loader):  model.eval()  predictions = []  actual = []  with torch.no_grad():   for step,data in enumerate(loader,0):   ids = data['source_ids'].to(device)   mask = data['source_masks'].to(device)   y_id = data['target_ids'].to(device)   prediction = model.generate(input_ids=ids,attention_mask = mask,num_beams=2,max_length=170,repetition_penalty=2.5,early_stopping=True,length_penalty=1.0)# Decode y_id and prediction #   preds = [tokenizer.decode(p,skip_special_tokens=True,clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False) for p in prediction]   target = [tokenizer.decode(t,skip_special_tokens=True,clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False) for t in y_id]   if step%100==0:    print('Completed')    print('predictions',preds)    print('actual',target)    predictions.extend(preds)    actual.extend(target)  return predictions,actual

6. Integration

Calling all defined functions above here in main function.

def main(): wandb.init(project='huggingface') epochs = 1 device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') tokenizer = T5TokenizerFast.from_pretrained('t5-base')## Prepare Dataset ####  We will use cnn_dailymail summarization dataset for abstractive summarization # dataset = load_dataset('cnn_dailymail','3.0.0')# As we can observe, dataset is too large so for now we will consider just 8k rows for training and 4k rows for validation train_dataset = dataset['train'][:8000] val_dataset = dataset['validation'][:4000]#!pip install regex import re def preprocess(dataset): dataset['article'] = [re.sub('\(.*?\)','',t) for t in   dataset['article']] dataset['article'] = [t.replace('--','') for t in dataset['article']] return dataset train_dataset = preprocess(train_dataset) val_dataset = preprocess(val_dataset) train_dataset = CustomDataset(train_dataset,tokenizer,270,160) val_dataset = CustomDataset(val_dataset,tokenizer,270,160) train_loader = DataLoader(dataset=train_dataset,batch_size=4,shuffle=True,num_workers=0) val_loader = DataLoader(dataset =   val_dataset,batch_size=2,num_workers=0)# Define model model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained('t5-base').to(device) optimizer = Adam(model.parameters(),lr=3e-4,amsgrad=True) wandb.watch(model,log='all')# Call train function for epoch in range(epochs):  train(epoch,model,tokenizer,train_loader,optimizer,device)# Call validation function for epoch in range(epochs):  pred,target = validation(epoch,tokenizer,model,device,val_loader)  print(pred,target)

7. Results

Actual text- ‘Spokesperson: Experts are investigating how the UK military health care worker got Ebola . It is being decided if the military worker infected in Sierra Leone will return to England . There have been some 24,000 reported cases and 10,000 deaths in the latest Ebola outbreak .’, “Iraqi forces make some progress as they seek to advance toward Tikrit . The city, best known to Westerners as Saddam Hussein’s birthplace, was taken by ISIS in June .

Summary- ‘Ebola outbreak has devastated parts of West Africa, with Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia hardest hit . Authorities are investigating how this person was exposed to the virus .’, ‘Iraqi forces appear to be making progress on the third day of a major offensive . The operation is part of a wide-scale offensive to retake Tikrit and Salahuddin province . Iran has provided advisers, weapons and ammunition to the Iraqi government .’”



Yugal Jain
TFUG Mumbai Weekly

Data Science| Deep Learning | Natural Language Processing