A Home For Unconventional Opinions and Music

In 2017, let’s say what we’ll say and play what we’ll play.

Derrick Rossignol
That’s Good, I Like That
3 min readJan 6, 2017


I had no profound reason for starting That’s Good, I Like That. It may have even been lazy, to be frank. I’ve launched a bunch of failed projects that stumbled, whether it was my podcast on which I reviewed the same Nickelback album every week for a year (or a few months, rather); my Instagram account, @ilovethisalbum, where I encouraged users to share their favorite albums with me; or my various other blogs and ideas that would have needed more time to thrive than I had to give.

These all didn’t end up working because I didn’t have the time for them, between making creative stuff I actually get paid for and my bustling social life. Still, I wanted to have a small corner of the internet that was entirely my own, and I found a way to do it having to invest only an hour or two per week: A song-a-day music blog, a throwback to when music websites didn’t try to do it all. I whipped up some quick branding based on a logo I had previously created, made the necessary social media accounts, built up a queue of songs, and I was off.

Then I realized TGILT could be sometime (slightly) more: A home for outcast ideas. In the course of my work writing about music for websites, I’ve come up with ideas that I had a lot of faith in, ideas that outlets didn’t want to publish for various understandable reasons: They were critical of the media, they covered ideas publications didn’t want to associate with, or they otherwise went against a publication’s interest. I’ve been in the game long enough where I understand how that works and I’m not bitter about it, but I still think that some people would be interested in reading about these things.

That’s why I created the Medium publication for That’s Good, I Like That: As a place to share my unconventional opinions. The blog will maintain its simplicity as a song-a-day music site and nothing more, but TGILT on Medium will be a place for writing that doesn’t seem to fit anywhere else.

I’d love to expand the Medium site beyond myself, though, so if you’re a writer with an idea that nobody else wanted to run, I’d be happy to take a look at it and see if it’s a fit here (find my email on my website, put “TGILT” or “That’s Good, I Like That” in the subject line, please). Better to have your thoughts run on this platform than to self-publish, I suppose; Saying your piece was published by That’s Good, I Like That might carry more weight than your tumblr blog does.

Happy 2017, all; Let’s enjoy some good music and thoughtful discourse this year.

