Collaboration and shared values, underpinned by a written constitution make a strong blockchain

Martin Worner
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2021
Photo by Beth Macdonald on Unsplash

Tgrade is based on collaboration, this is not an empty promise, but by design through Proof of Engagement which incentivises collaboration by the wider community. The foundation of Proof of Engagement is the constitution, and having a written constitution is an important foundation, it must also be a living document that adapts.

While this makes sense from an academic or philosophical approach, it is important that this transfers from papers, and ideas into practicality.

Decentralisation is at the core of Tgrade and this has shaped how Tgrade has been structured, how the underlying consensus mechanism has been designed, and the core features of the Decentralised Social Organisation is how self-sovereign groups work in Tgrade. Building on the core value of decentralisation it follows that bringing the community to life is a collaborative process and does not follow a set agenda. In practice, there needs to be some guidance that the community building follows and it comes in various stages.

The constitution is published as a draft for comment and feedback. It sets out the purpose, defines the participants and their rights and responsibilities.

The next step on building on the constitution is to create a shared set of values.

One of the key aspects of the constitution and of Proof of Engagement is the allocation of Engagement Rewards. Engagement is a highly subjective, and it would be a mammoth task to writing down every scenario of what engagement is, instead we begin a discussion and build a common understanding on what engagement means.

In the early days of a blockchain there needs to be a knowledge base and ecosystem built up, a strong set of validators helping each other, and awareness building both in the blockchain/crypto world and in the regulated finance world, tooling, tutorials, and documentation. The community discussion will form around the broader aims of engagement, how important each of the elements are relative to each other, and thus a clear picture emerges of what constitutes engagement and how it will be rewarded.

The values of engagement will change as Tgrade evolves with new features, business needs, and responses to the regulatory climate. The ecosystem will mature and the emphasis might change to what is missing, what needs improving and what is no longer important.

What about joining and getting involved in setting the values for Tgrade and helping shape how we define engagement?

We have the following channels for the Tgrade discussion: Discord, Telegram and Twitter and we would like to see you there!

