Multi-signature wallet for Tgrade

Martin Worner
Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2022
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

We implemented the code written by samepant for a multi-signature wallet in Tgrade and we’re keen for people to try it out. This blog post walks you through setting up a wallet and sending tokens. Note that the multisig has been implemented to use Keplr and is not supported by other wallets for the moment.

You start at the beginning and create a new Multisig by clicking the bottom button.

The next step is you fill in the addresses for the multi-sig group and set the signature threshold. This is where you set the number of signatures needed from the set (for example 2 of 3 signatures to sign).

When you are happy with the addresses then click Create Multisig

You now have the multisig set up and before you start you will need to send some funds to have some tokens to send. To send tokens copy the address for the multisig group, open Keplr and send the tokens to the address you just copied. You will see the balance update in the bottom left box labeled Holdings.

You now click on Create Transaction and complete the details

And now you need to collect the signatures needed. If you copy the link from the browser and then use your favourite messaging app to share it then your co-signatories will have the right page to sign.

You see the progress as the signing happens, first one

Then the second signature (you set up 2 of 3 to sign)

Now you broadcast the transaction and get a confirmation (you can also click on the link to view it in the explorer)

You then see the balance updated

If you have questions then please reach out to us on Twitter, Telegram, or Discord.

Thanks to Simon Warta for implementing the wallet for Tgrade ♥️♥️♥️

