Tgrade Testnet II: Wow! What a response!

Martin Worner
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2022

When we planned Tgrade Testnet II we wanted to start the network with our own nodes and ask a few friendly validators to join the (non incentivised) network as part of the process to test out Tgrade with external validators.

The response from the community was incredible in just over a week we had over 100 validators who joined. A HUGE thank you to all who took the time to join the network. It has enabled us to help identify some bugs where we previously could not test at such a scale and we gained some valuable feedback from the community.

The goals of the network have far exceeded our expectations and we hit the limit set in the Genesis file of 100 validators meaning no more can join.

We plan to continue running Testnet II for a couple more weeks and are in the process of planning Testnet III which will be a big test for starting the network with our Genesis validator set.

Please note that none of our Testnets are incentivised and that we will launch with 70 validators who have been selected. We do have a waiting list which you are welcome to join and should one or more of our Genesis set drop out you have the opportunity. If you are not part of the Genesis set and want to validate after mainnet launch you are welcome to take part.

We ♥ the community around Tgrade and the support you have all given.

