Tgrade: The blockchain made for business

Martin Worner
Published in
4 min readJul 22, 2022
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Why Tgrade? What does Tgrade offer that others do not have? In an earlier article, I made the case for Tgrade, and in a follow-up article, how a business might build on Tgrade.

Now that Tgrade is running mainnet, where are the businesses, and what are they building?

The journey has begun for Figaro, who have begun work on Tgrade to build a platform to disrupt the last mile delivery. The team is building the verifiable credentials layer to work with Trusted Circles and the outline of the smart contracts towards their goals of automating their processes.

Verifiable credentials are also a theme that Nymlab are exploring with their work on the Vectis wallet.

Symbiotic is designing and building the future of the financing of films using Tgrade as a platform which they described as “For us, it’s about using Blockchain over inherently being blockchain.”

The partnership between WeFund and Tgrade is a strong overlap of interests as there is a shared vision of nurturing businesses solving real-world problems using blockchain technology. Early discussions with some of the projects that WeFund is working with back up the mission to bring businesses to Tgrade, and this is the beginning of building an ecosystem of businesses using the Tgrade infrastructure.

There are other projects in the carbon capture, regenerative agriculture, real estate, community building, and cash on the blockchain which are in various stages of fundraising, building, and designing. These projects have identified Tgrade as the platform of choice.

Photo by Jeriden Villegas on Unsplash

Do you want to build a business using Tgrade?

If you are a business looking to get started with the blockchain, then you have already considered the benefits of the underlying technology and identified an opportunity as Figaro, Symbiotic, and Nymlab did, among others.

It is a fair assumption that your choice of blockchain will be challenged, and you will be asked why pick a new blockchain over the more established infrastructure of, say Ethereum?

The Tgrade infrastructure was built with businesses and regulations in mind, and a lot of effort was made to ensure that decentralization was at the core of the design, which I explored in a previous article, and how Tgrade’s Proof of Engagement mechanisms are more robust than the Proof of Stake.

Getting the fundamentals right to ensure you feel confident in securing your business on Tgrade was an early priority in the design of the infrastructure.

While the underlying blockchain is an important decision, there are further considerations when evaluating public blockchains. The most important one, especially for compliance, is the concern about pseudo-anonymous addresses. Who is behind the address(es)? What are the origin of funds? Am I allowed to sell or interact with the person? While it has been possible to shrug this off with a “this is a new paradigm shift” or “we are decentralized” in the past, the regulators have been busy, and we have seen the EU pass the Markets in Crypto Asset (MiCA) regulations which will come into force in 2023/2024, the US, and the UK are signaling action to draft laws.

Tgrade has the solution for the compliance questions which I covered in the blog post about building a business on blockchain, along with ideas about how to harness smart contracts and how to get started.

There are parallels to the dotcom crash of the early 2000s, where the exuberance has left the markets, and we are starting to see businesses building on blockchains where once there was hype and hubris. Unlike the 2000 dotcom crash, where the technology overpromised, this time, it is the innovation and the deployment of businesses using the technology that has under-promised. There are justified criticisms around some aspects of the technology and the user experience, such as wallets and the need for browser extensions, and these are being fixed as businesses work around these issues.

The strong cases for building a business on Tgrade are building businesses that can remove intermediaries (while ensuring the risk mitigations remain in place) and the opportunity to automate. We see examples of automation where FTX is taking on the Futures markets and how margin and liquidation is fully automated compared to the manual intervention of a broker.

Photo by micheile dot com on Unsplash

Are you looking to invest in a business leveraging blockchain?

Tgrade is now running smoothly, and businesses are working to build on Tgrade; in some cases, the missing sauce is the funding of the projects.

The partnership with WeFund is a great start in having businesses incubated and ready for investment.

It is also important that a network of investors form around Tgrade to help the new and innovative businesses to seed, grow and flourish.

If you are a fund looking to invest in real-world projects, then please contact me at, and I will put you in touch with the businesses and incubators or have an open discussion on how we can collaborate.

Fun fact: if you are involved as an investor in the ecosystem, you may be eligible for Engagement Points and earn a share of the tokens distributed to Engagement Point holders.

For more about Tgrade, see our website and the links to follow us on social media here.

