COVID19 — Digital Response in Taiwan

T.H. Schee
TH Schee
Published in
1 min readApr 27, 2020

If you’ve been involved in designing or implementing IT systems for crisis response, I think you will love the table. The table aims to serve as a fresh and informed start for serious discussion, and a short compendium to my previous posts (here and here).

The “Taiwan Model” story has been told countless times in different media reports and none is detail enough about the IT and non-IT systems supporting these efforts. Some measures are pretty controversial though. I was personally involved in one of the largest natural disasters (Typhoon Morakot) in Taiwan back in 2009, spending days just to figure out the information flow in a life and death situation, and we had a team of pretty good volunteers (60+) recruited via an NGO that I co-founded with bunch of friends an year earlier. We worked 24×7 in and out of the government emergency centers all over the island. The experience was once in a life time, and that’s why I also care this time.

