New York Post

I fled NYC amid COVID — and it was the best decision of my life.

Zachary Thacher
Thacher Report
Published in
4 min readOct 30, 2020


Late October, 2020 — Brooklyn

The NY Post wrote about my return to The City after fleeing. Soon I may be on television. The only way to express the sudden press coverage: Oy+Yo!

Did my blog or writing for PS I Love You earn me attention? Was it ten years running my digital agency, Thacher? My unsold but hilarious and touching spec dramedy screenplays I pitched at SONY? Nope, credit goes to Facebook, that sinkhole of Russian agitprop and (unsolicited please God stop) baby photos.

A journalist found me on Into the Unknown, a group set up by Rebekah Rosler for people fleeing New York during the scariest, earliest days of the pandemic. It’s a private forum to discuss the pros and cons of towns outside the city, to swap home buying tips and offer support. I love it. Asking for advice and chatting with people going through the same dislocation was a balm when inhabiting in-law apartments with carpeting from the Reagan administration in rural New England as I wondered: stay or leave, return or abandon?

I even went on one date from the group and became buddies with a musician who moved from the East Village to Tulsa. Who says Facebook is just for low information/high discrimination white people without college degrees?



Zachary Thacher
Thacher Report

I’ve never lost a sock in the dryer. Live in Brooklyn and flee to the countryside.