Adolf Hitler in a government sponsored movie

Joe Jaturavith
Thai Politico
Published in
1 min readJun 11, 2015

We know there is something wrong with Thailand when you see a young boy celebrating his painting of Adolf Hitler in a government sponsored short film intended to teach people about Thai values.

This is a very big problem. We’ll say this here: Hitler should never be presented as a cool dude with a mustache. In case you’re too ignorant to care (like the government of Thailand and the director of this film), Hitler commanded the murder of over 6 million Jews.

Lets cross our fingers and hope this doesn’t encourage some weird dictator-loving fetish in our country again (oh wait…or was that the point?).

Glorification and idolization of Adolf Hitler is a big no-no, ladies and gentlemen. If you find yourself asking “why,” please give yourself a BIG smack on the head and go read a history book. This issue reflects very well on the problem of our education system and the people who are in charge of it.

Update: John Oliver even took a stab at this topic…

read more about this and watch the full film here:

