Oh Corruption…

Joe Jaturavith
Thai Politico
Published in
1 min readOct 21, 2015

An interesting video about the Klong Dan corruption case. It specifically calls out the “evil-doings” of three specific politicians and shows us how much taxpayer money has been lost throughout the process.

The Anti-Corruption Organization of Thailand (people who made this video) want to become the country’s #1 watch dog. Well, they’ve certainly set themselves up for a pretty interesting task! We can all agree that this organization is a product of the political situation. A quick scroll through the organization’s site shows us the influential people that are involved. So it makes us think: just how many politicians these guys label as the bad guys. All of them? or maybe just some of them.

Will certainly be very interesting to see, as the organization continues to expose the wrong-doings in Thailand.

In any case, enjoy the video!


