Thai Club Coin
Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2018

Thai club coin is a cryptocurrency based on the system of cryptography. This Is an encryption method for greater security and safety of transactions and funds. It functions on the blockchain platform which is like a peer to peer network like a social network. The blockchain is a global public ledger where all the transactions are transparent yet secured by encrypted cryptography.


Thai club coin initiated its operations in the 1 st quarter of the year 2017, with a simple aim in mind that was making crytocurrency and blockchain technology available to the world and spread awareness about the benefits of the use of cryptocurrency as a viable substitute for Fiat currency like dollars etc. After a year of research and development Thai club coin was created in 2018. Thai club coin believes in creating evolutionary technology to provide a secure platform in the cryptocurrency market. With its unique blockchain technology Thai club coin will create a secure environment for all global transactions made through Thai club coin.

As Thai club is a decentralized system no bank, federal agency of government can shut down or freeze your Thai club account making your funds accessible to you at all time without the hassles of the generic banking system. Thai Club Coin is accessible and available wherever and whenever you are in need, no limits, no boundaries, which means you can purchase or sell products and services, transfer money to your family and friends at an extremely low transaction fees by an instant confirmation network without any interruption.

