A story of an Indian

Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2019

You blasted our Cities, our land, You attacked our Parliament, You entered my city and massacre my people and city turned to silent for a week .

26/11 terror attack on Mumbai in 2008

our hearts were filled with sadness, we cried and wept our tears hoping you will change but it doesn’t happen. Our sadness turned to anger and shown our strength of unity so that you will change yourself.

New Paper headlines of the terrorist attack on Uri,

You come back again attacked our army camp, we have shown our unity and this time we showed our strength by coming to your home and destroyed your home, the moment our heart filled with victory and shouted


Indian Army surgical strike target

You were in shock and couldn’t accept your defeat but you were arrogant, attacked our army on a highway.

This time our blood looking for revenge, we decided should teach a lesson in a language you understand. Our Airforce blasted your land and your house your people whose motto to destroy the integrity of my country.

We were proud of Army and Airforce in support and to cheer them shouted Jai Hind! Jai Hind !!

IAF Airstrike targets

But we know the problem remains the same as you will try to break our unity, integrity. but we reply each and every time with more strength and we remain United.

Salute to my Army and Airforce. JAI HIND! JAI HIND !!




A Dreamer , Wants to achieve Dreams .. Life is short , make memorable …