Go Back to God, Always!!!

Wong Lok 黃樂 (LokLok)
Thank you Jesus Church
3 min readApr 6, 2021

Go Back to God, Always!!! You know what i’m talking about.

Empathy isn’t tolerance.

Being aware of our sin, with a correct attitude of try again to repent in love, keeps us humble and away from the desire of sin.

God’s grace isn’t for us to keep sinning.

God’s love and grace for us is to help us come back to God and *Try to do life again with God in God’s Way.*

The entire goal of repentance, is to bring people back to God. Not to push people away from God.

God want us to be patient to other people. Because love is patience, love is kind.

A different sinner is also a sinner. we are no better than others.

> *Just because you believe less lies and sin less than others and sin differently, doesn’t mean you don’t need salvation as much as they need salvation.*

> — All sin are leading to death. But some sin has more *DECEPTIONS*.

That’s one of the most important reasons that we need to help the people who are in deception to realise lies are tricky. When a sin is horrible, because the lies are even more horrible and tricky that people believed it’s not even sin, and when you are being pushed away from God by church’s judgement and sin itself. The most horrible consequence is apart from God. When you don’t know how Good God is and you are being lead astray by the lies from sin, you will believe even more lies and leads you to sin more.

But God is one thought away and is waiting us to come home. He is waiting for us to cry out to him and get help from him. God loves us so much that he made himself, God himself, available to us with prayer, one thought away from him.

God loves me and you so much! Let’s come back to him. And we will naturally want to repent. Ask God for what to repent first and the help of God to repent and ask God to help. Remember ask for help, we need God to change from the inside out one day at at time, to have a life with God journey entire life.

Sin is never okay, that’s why God allowed Jesus to die for us on the horrible cross, to save us from the deception of sin that we live in.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your own blood.” — In Hebrews 12:1–4

Repent from the inside out:

1. Build up the conscience. lead us from deception to wanting to change.

2. Conscience helps us reject sinful desire that leads to sin.

3. Requesting help from God to change our sinful heart

4. Study the area that you have weakness in

5. Ask for help to have discipline and the fruit of the spirit, self-control.

6. God chooses you, and remember to choose God when you’re in your weakest time to choose pleasure and deception of sin.

7. Choose God again, and again and again.

8. God wants you live happy with him while on earth and bring you out of sin.



Wong Lok 黃樂 (LokLok)
Thank you Jesus Church

Walking Aphorism. Dreamer Doer. Love all win. Faith to win Nobel Prizes. Perpetuate Peace with Tech. Patch Broken Instinct Vessel