How To Awaken A New Passion By Planting A Tiny Seed

Let your creativity bloom.

Kris Bedenian
Thank You Notes


Image by Bedenian Design

“Every artist was first an amateur.”

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Little did I know, the day I wrote my first Haiku on a seed packet, it would lead me down a path of healing and creativity. What’s next? I can either ignore it or choose to nurture this gift. I have decided to encourage it. Get ready to watch it bloom.

I have been writing articles on a diversity of topics. Who knew poetry was in the works? I didn’t even know that I would like to write these poems. I have written over 365 recently. With each Haiku added to my NEW library, my love grows deeper.

A project is unfolding for me. It’s exciting but scary. I usually don’t pursue these extensive opportunities for myself.

Do you ever feel like you are at the cusp of a breakthrough, but you shut down all power on the next step because of the unknown?

This time is different for me. I feel this assignment is outside of myself. I can’t just ignore it. I’ve tried, and it just keeps tugging at my heartstrings.

The path is not clear to me. Although, all I need to do is the next step. We must trust in the process of the unknown. I’m writing this article to…



Kris Bedenian
Thank You Notes

I’m a writer who has journaled for 26 years. My battle with breast cancer has given me a new perspective on life. Writing is a way for me to give back.