Thank You For Your Kindness

In response to the Coffee Challenge; Why I am a pro shoutout movement

Thank You Notes


Image by ELG21 on Pixaby

Our words are our offspring. We gave birth to them, and like any parent, we want to see them appreciated. We want to see them spread love and make an impact.

We all have planted the seeds to embark on this writing journey. Sometimes we worry that if we water the seeds of others and don’t spend enough time watering our own, it will not grow.

Think about it this way. If we spend time watering someone else’s, the soil around our seeds will never run dry. Someone will be around to ensure it receives all the water it needs in return –it’s a part of giving back.

It took me some time to call myself a writer or feel comfortable sharing my work on any platform. Because of the constant support I have received from other writers, I can confidently say that I am a writer.

I can’t tell you how many times a smile has crossed my face while reading someone’s kind words of encouragement. Even from miles away, they have left such an impact that not only made me feel good inside but prompted me to do the same.

A gentle wave hit me, creating ripples that I transferred to other writers.



Thank You Notes

Enjoys writing poetry but also creative fiction and nonfictional pieces! Creativity bleeds through me and that includes art!