Thankful for Time Away from Home

Celebrating the transition from surviving to thriving as a family

Ellie Jacobson
Thank You Notes


View from the inside of a vehicle. Thankful for Time Away by Ellie Jacobson
Photo by Beth Easton from Pexels

“Vacation is the action of leaving something one previously occupied. “

— Oxford Languages

It has been three years since my family went on a vacation. I had to go through my photos to verify it’s been that long because that seemed wrong. No wonder we have been on each other’s last nerves lately.

I thought back over the last few years. Covid overshadowed my medical issues the previous year. In 2019, I started experiencing vertigo, where I couldn’t move my head without the room spinning upside down. I was afraid to drive.

After being tested over and over for various serious issues (all benign, thankfully), my neurologist prescribed a medication. I haven’t had a vertigo spell since starting the medication. :: knocking on wood::

I don’t need to explain why we didn’t take a vacation in 2020. My teenage boys had been distance learning for a year and a half. My husband and I had been working from home straight for the same time period.

We needed a change of scenery.

Once our family became vaccinated, I went into planning mode. We needed to be smart about this trip. I planned a simple trip as we eased our way…



Ellie Jacobson
Thank You Notes

Editor at Flash Fiction Magazine & Intrepidus Ink | Flint & Steel editor | MFA candidate working on first novel | mom to 2 kitties, 2 teenage sons & many cats