Why I’m Thankful That I Felt Rubbish For A Few Days

A slightly more left-field reflection on a bad couple of days

Sara Ali
Thank You Notes


Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

I woke up early Friday morning, around 5 am, freezing. Colder than I’ve remembered being in a very long time. I felt horrendous. I felt groggy. I felt like crying.

I hazily pulled out my extra blanket from my wardrobe and snuggled in, desperately trying to get warm. I felt so, so ill and eventually drifted back off to sleep.

What on Earth was wrong with me? Was I okay? Did I need to call someone? Some of the questions that I’m guessing some of you may be asking.

But no, I knew what it was and the cause is exactly why I am thankful.

The evening before, I had arranged to go to my local pharmacy. My GP (General Practice, or “Family Doctors” if you’re US-based) had been sending me non-stop text reminders to go see the Pharmacy. I knew what it was for and I wasn’t overly excited.

Now, what exactly was it that they were wanting me to do?

Get my COVID booster jab done.

So nothing particularly monumental I guess, but something that I wasn’t looking forward to. (Who looks forward to getting stabbed with a needle, like really!)



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